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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. I would have it removed and sent for pathology. Many times they are harmless, but if they bleed they should, in my opinion, come off. First, there is a risk of infection every time it breaks open. They are also harder to monitor for changes since they by nature change - they can shrink, then grow, then burst and so on. Praying it turns out to be something simple.
  2. Once you get the vet to remove the suture material and dead skin I would ask that they make no attempt to close it. I second water therapy 3 - 4 times a day. It flushes the bad stuff out, and stimulates healing. After that use EMT spray or gel, if you have it, or antibiotic ointment then cover with a clean t-shirt. Cheap kids shirts size 10 or so fit greys nicely, although a small human one works well too. Pin it at the back to take up the slack.
  3. I can see why you might fail. He is stunning.
  4. Tell your friend to get some Nutritional Yeast (Red Star Yeast) It's loaded with B vitamins and sometimes helps peak an appetite Here are two recipes I got from AngelWhispers 1 lb cheap hamburger 1 and 1/3 cups Whole Wheat Total (in blue box) 1 and 1/2 cups uncooked oatmeal (not instant oatmeal) 1 soft boiled egg with egg shell (leave yoke a little runny) 6 Tablespoons wheat germ 1 package Knox unflavored gelatin 3 Tablespoons olive oil 2 Tablespoons unsulphered molasses 3 Tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar (look for it in the health food section of grocery store) 1/4 teaspoon crushed garlic ****optional ****sometimes a little garlic peaks a picky eaters sense of smell Mix all ingredients until thoroughly mixed and shape into hamburger patties or little meatballs. I crack the soft boiled egg and then squish it up, shell and all goes in for the calcium. The mixture is thick, so I mix it up with my hands in a large soup pot when I make the 5 lb recipe. 5lb Recipe 5 lb cheap hamburger 6 cups Whole Wheat Total 7 cups uncooked oatmeal 5 soft boiled eggs 2 cups wheat germ 5 packages Knox unflavored gelatin 2/3 cup of olive oil 3/4 cup unsulphered molasses 1/2 cup organic apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon garlic if needed I make it into approx. 1/4 lb hamburger patties and freeze in freezer bags. Then I grab one and pop into microwave on defrost setting. Don't cook it, just get it defrosted and warmed, that helps release the smells and flavors.
  5. I'm sorry Mary. You must have many wonderful memories.
  6. Foxy was 13 y 8 m when she died, she raced until she was 4 1/2. Jake is 10 and looks, and acts like a 4 year old. No if he's just stop hurting himself. Jet is 7 and he is the one I truly worry about. He's wound tighter than a screw and has horrible teeth. Dental in a few weeks should fix that, but I sure wish he'd relax more. Peanut is 4 and seems to be really healthy. Still everyday is a gift.
  7. Keeping Higgins in my prayers. I have to add, no wonder you fell in love. That face is gorgeous.
  8. We have an x ray scheduled - I really do live in a hick little town, so I made sure to book the time and will gladly pay for it even if it's unecessary. Janet - here's Hannah's bio. She was JR's Spice Not much of a racer, was she http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=jrs+spic...&birthland= I knew it. She is Foxy's niece. Foxy's daddy was HB's Commander
  9. Tenna, I'm praying that this is just some minor injury. Hannah has had enough and now should get to age gracefully for a long time. I can't get over how much she looks like Foxy. What was Hannah's racing name.
  10. Miz Foxy Dec 6, 1995 - Aug 5, 2008
  11. Oh that made me cringe. You can get arnica gel at most health food stores. I use it, but for severe bruising I like Traumeel I use the drops or tablets for severe bruising or cuts that bruise. That way you don't have to rub the sore area. It is a holistic med and I've had a lot of good result from it both with the dogs and for myself. Feel better soon Shelby.
  12. Tina I was thinking about you, knowing that this time was coming closer. I know how hard this was, and still is for you. The words you chose are so perfect. Cherish the moments! Trish I think of you often, and I know that you are keeping watch over Flippy. thank you for being my friend.
  13. Welcome home Vinnie! I do not envy you the next 5 weeks though.
  14. Dr Couto is away, but use the link in my siggy and contact the Greyhound Health and Wellness Team. They will consult, probably want you to have the x-rays etc sent up. Definitly worth it IMO
  15. That's our girl. Smooches and hugs to Flipster for me Denise.
  16. You can get different forms, topical and internal. I chose the caps for convenience. I`ve known some others use it and have had mixed success. Here is one of the web sites I found about it`s benefits Bee Propolis
  17. Oh Cully I am sorry. : God Speed Handsome Boy!
  18. I started giving him the Bee Propolis sometime near the end of Jan. We finished a bottle of 100. Obviously there were some missed doses, as my DH only remembers the fish oil. :rolleyes I give it with every meal when I feed them. I got the capsules and dropped one 500 mg cap in his food. I did notice about a month ago that it was a lot smaller and more defined looking. Editing to add that I just can`t get over how much Willie looks like Jake. They could be brothers. Whats his racing name
  19. Our Vet confirmed that Jake had a corn on his front foot. Since it was on the front edge of the pad and wasn`t causing him any discomfort I opted to give Bee Propolis a try. Today we used the last capsule and when I looked, with a magnifying glass, I couldn`t find the corn. Nothing, no trace. To be honest, I am not sure which of his two middle left toes it was on but it is gone! Since we are dealing with the unexplained swelling and limping, I see this as a major victory!
  20. Bosha is my hero. He's pretty darn handsome too.
  21. Godspeed Sweet Jeany. Auntie Janet loves you. Nancy I've already told you how I feel. I hope it will help to know that Jeany is loved and will be missed by so many of us over here. Me, Hunky, Jeany and Daisy at Beach Bound Hounds 2008
  22. He really does. Jake is walking on all fours today. Probably the result of the meds. I've only given him the rimadyl today and so far so good. It is more swollen today, which matches the pattern of the other incidents.
  23. The steroid goes out of their system pretty quickly. It's sort of like birth control. There are many, many girls living to healthy old age who received the homones when they were racing. Isis will be fine.
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