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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. I was told that vet's don't like to cover eyes anymore, unless it is for a serious injury. Covering the eye is very stressful and they work pretty hard at getting the covering off that can cause more damage.
  2. Glad she's home. Claudia, Traumeel is really good for swelling and trauma.
  3. Deb, we are saying prayers for Caesar. Sending strength to you. We are here if you need us, just shout.
  4. Not to hijack a thread...but my boy has been dealing with a paw injury, and then the scar tissue, for about 6 months. I'm tuned into Thera-Paws, and they are awesome, but I had never heard of Pawz disposable boots. So I just checked them out and I'm tempted to order. I've got a couple of questions first: 1. What size should I get? The site says Greyhounds are a Medium, is that true? 2. How many times can you reuse them (generally speaking)? Thanks for any help/information! I bought the large, they are purple. It fits fine over a light bandage and vet wrap. They still fit on bare feet.
  5. Aww poor Thane. Jake did that almost exactly one year ago on some ice. Luckily just a cut, but it took ages to heal. That was when I found out about Pawz disposable boots. The guy on the website I posted about sent me a free gift because so many GTers ordered them, he sold out. Praying for an uneventful healing for Thane. Buddy, just leave it along and let it heal.
  6. I couldn't put it any better than Heather just did. Bone cancer is extremely painful. I would contact OSU for some idea of what to expect and advise on pain meds. Dr Couto is a BIG believer in pain meds, he said vets often don't give enough especially to dogs as stoic as greyhounds can be. Having been in your shoes, a day too early is better than a day too late. That's a lot easier to say than to do. Spoil her, take pictures, make some memories and most of all love her, she only knows today.
  7. I should have mentioned, an opthamologist has been consulted, At this point Jake is pretty much on track. He told us that second and even third grid treatments are sometimes necessary. In this case they are pretty sure it was a second injury. The vessels are showing on the cornea and that is realy good news. Funnily enough he has a small bump on the eyelid that is likely from the original injury, speculation is that it is itchy and he has been rubbing it.We have always had some concern about how slowly Jake heals, andit seems he is proving it again. I do love my problem child.
  8. Pat, a simple I'm sorry just doesn't convey how I feel. It's all I have right now. Your tribute to Stepper is beautiful, and I do believe that they know when the time has come, it just hurts so much to agree with them. Sending you warm hugs. Godspeed dear Stepper I bet the Queen and her sister were waiting for you.
  9. Kristin I am so very sorry. I also have to say how proud I am of her, and you, for having the courage to fight back at this horrible disease. I'm making a donation in her name to Hope for Hounds. Godspeed Pretty Bonnie go find our other angels you'll be in good company.
  10. HopeForHounds


    I am so sorry. That was my worst fear while waiting. Godspeed Holly
  11. HopeForHounds


    I'm so sorry Angela and Jeff. I hope you find some comfort in having one of her babies with you now. Don't forget the Annie babies. Wow what a legacy!
  12. Suzie, I'm so sorry. Praying that the chemo and radiation give you lots of quality time with Leeanna
  13. I'm so sorry you are facing this. Saddly osteo can hit at any age. You can get a free consult from OSU's Grreyhound Health and Wellness Program (by email) the link is at the bottom of my siggy. I've just sent Dr Couto an email to ask if that is data he has on average age.
  14. Thanks for asking. So far so good. I'll feel better if we can reach a week without going back to the vet. I'll keep you posted.
  15. Sunday Jan 25th Things have improved, I think. He is squinting only when he thinks I'm going to do something to his eye. I'm optimistic, but this is where we were last Sunday and then it got worse. Fingers crossed as we finish the antibiotics tomorrow. His leg is pain free. There is still a bit of residual edema, but he is back to playing and doing stairs without problem. I'm thinking this was probably a pulled muscle or a sprain this time. Please say a prayer that his eye continues to heal without further treatment.
  16. Deep breath. What kind of bone? Was it rib or from a chop. It likely won't be a problem just keep an eye on him. I've seen greyhounds eat pork rib bones and they enjoyed them with no ill effects.
  17. Yay for Monty, Yay for you, and Yay for Dr Couto and his team at OSU.
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