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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. So glad he ate for you. Many of them just want to get home and have a normal routine. Hope your night is uneventful.
  2. Welcome! You need 50 posts I believe before you can Private Message another board member. So get posting. FYI posting in Off Topic, and I believe Cute and Funny don't count. So make your posts in EEG or H & M etc to get your post count up. Sending good thoughts for your Katie.
  3. That is odd that is seemed to shrink. I love the bird story Tracey, I'd take that as a good omen. Fingers crossed and prayers until all the results are in. If you think of anything else, give me a holler. to all of you.
  4. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. Again I'll say this is why I encourage people to contact OSU for a second opinion. They are awesome!
  5. This is why I encourage people to have OSU do a second opinion. This is also why I love Dr Couto and his team, they are there for us. I get goosebumps reading this kind of post. Praying the news is still good on Monday.
  6. Excellent progress. Hoping he does get to come home today. Hoping also that your weather improves. Ours has been up and down here, but we are finally in the higher teens this week by the afternoons. Continued prayers for an uneventful healing. You can't get PM's yet, so could you send me an email to hopeforhoundsATcasualblingDOTcom (replace the words with the sympbols) I have some info for you.
  7. Tracey, I'm so sorry. I hate this disease!!!!!!!!!!! I have your number somewhere, I'll give you a call.
  8. Is it radiation? The vet who operated on Rascal is actually a former student of Dr. Couto, from what I've been told. No, they use a very small amount of a chemo drug mixed with sesame seed oil. It is injected into the tumor site. I know Denise, when I speak I often say that if a dog has to get cancer this is the one to get.
  9. That is exactly what I was hoping it would be. The same kind of of tumor Foxy had. I hope you can relax a bit. There is a treatment that Dr Couto can offer that is not very invasive. You might want to have your vet contact him to discuss it.
  10. Keep an eye on her unrine output. If it seems red it could be that she is suffering from exertional rhabdomyolysis and should be checked out further. Also if she seems really sore down the sides. It can cause rapid kidney failure.
  11. This can be very serious. She needs to be seen by a vet ASAP if it's what I'm thinking it could be. Better be safe than sorry.
  12. It looks like a dropped muscle. PM Cathie and ask her to take a look.
  13. Send an email to OSU. I share your concerns about what you are hearing. You need to understand. OSU's Greyhound Health and Wellness team have been able to resolve discrepencies and resolve inconclusive results before. If you don't already have the contact info, it is at the bottom of my siggy.
  14. I suggest contacting GIJenn51 she rehabbed after his surgery for what sounds like a similar injury. I know that watching for infection is crucial.
  15. Robin, I am so very sorry. As one of the lucky ones who met Loca, she truly was one of a kind. I hope in time that the wonderful memories she gave you bring you comfort. Godspeed Loca, you will be very much missed.
  16. I was looking at some of my pics and thought I'd share the most recent ones. Me and Hunky, Jeany and Daisy at BBH '08 Hunky snags the bed Mommy said to stay off. This is a photograph of the portraits Nancy had taken at BBH
  17. While I know this is exhausting for you Merran, it sounds like things are going well. I'm glad he is eating and doing the pooping and peeing thing. That he is starting to groom himself is a really good sign that he is starting to fell better. Take it an hour at a time. Let me know if you need anything. I have unlimtted long distance, so if you want to chat I can call. You have me email address so use that to get hold of me. This is all so new for you both, but I think you are doing an outstanding job.
  18. Melissa I'm sorry you are facing this at all, but on top of everything else it's just cruel. I'm praying the surgery went well. Foxy's cancer was a spindle cell type. She lived 4 morenyears after it was removed. The bonus was that she didn't die of cancer either. Sending hugs and more prayers. Please let me know if there is anything more I can do.
  19. I am truly devastated. Nancy I am so sorry, I can't imagine how difficult this is for you and Simon and our little Daisy Mae. I am sure that the reunion today was wonderful though, keep an eye on Mommy Hunky, she'll need to know that you and Jeany are okay. Godspeed Handsome Hunky, I love you!
  20. Just checking in to let you know I'll be thinking of you today.
  21. I almost missed this. Sending hugs to both you and Riley. Praying this new stomache med helps.
  22. Hoping the road will be smoother from here on. Enjoy your trip, and tell Dodge to get lots of rest but to take notes. I want to hear all about his travels.
  23. I can only imagine how hard it is to bring a tripod home on the first day. You will get through this. Cry if you need to, Sterling won't remember anyway. Just keep feeding the ice , being there and getting those all important meds into him. A thought I wonder if you lay down along his back, kind of spooning him loosely, just put your arm around him and breath. He may take comfort in the closeness and your smell. I've done that with kids who have been through surgery and have been sounding a lot like Sterling. It helped them calm through their drug induced haze and sleep. That way you both might get some rest. Just make sure you have an alarm for that all important 3:00 am pill. Hang in, there are others on here with lots more experience who may have some good ideas.
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