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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Here is the most recent study that was done. This was the result of a survey of greyhound owners. http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/assets/pdf/h...ealthSurvey.pdf
  2. The incidence of cancer in racing greyhounds was quoted at 1 in 4 a year ago by Dr Couto. Of those 80% will have bone cancer.
  3. Bosha, featured on the Hope for Hounds Inspiring Stories page, an amazing 3 year cancer survivor lost his battle on Friday night. Bosha was diagnosed with osteo in Oct of 2005. He had an amputation and chemo, then lived his life as an ordinary greyhound, eating, sleeping and running. Bosha visited a children's cancer camp during the summer and gave hope to many children suffering from cancer. In May this year, he was diagnosed with a second osteo tumor in his back leg. Today, his Mom left me a phone message to tell me that Bosha broke his leg when he was out in the yard. She was left with no other choice but to let him go. Bosha will always remain one of my biggest heroes. He fought the evil monster back and won. He helped give Dr Couto and his team at OSU some statistics, but most of all he gave them so much hope. I know that all of the members of the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program at OSU will feel Bosha's loss deeply. Please keep Bosha's Mom Barb, and the GHWP at OSU in your prayers. Dr Couto and Bosha 2 years cancer free. Barb, Bosha and me on my trip to OSU in Sept 2007 Godspeed handsome man Send your Mom a sign to let us know you are okay.
  4. Jake has been trying to play today, so he is feeling better. Peanut's scrape is fine Jet's ear looks a lot better, but I put some polysporin for ears in it.
  5. First I noticed Jet was holding his ear oddly. I looked and his right ear is red and icky. I suspect he may have been bitten by a bug and has scratched it. I cleaned it out and put some polysporin drops in it, as well as some Germalene antiseptic ointment on the outer part. If it doesn't look any better tomorrow I'll have to get it looked at. Put the med kit away. I noticed Jake was limping an hour later. Checked and sure enough his back left leg is a bit swollen. Out came the med kit and after giving him a thorough check and dispensed Metacam as per our vet's instructions. Jake is our diagnosed klutz. Peanut just came in and as she passed I saw a red smear on her nekkid heiney. Sure enough, blood. She has a 2 deep scratches about an inch and half long. Out came the med kit. Cleaned the wound and put some polysporin ointment on it. I did not put the med kit away yet.
  6. I only used the capsule form 1 - 50 mg added to his food twice a day, Jake's corn disapeared in about 6 weeks. My vet was impressed.
  7. Lots of good thoughts flying west. Heal Jamey, we need you well to start the road to a cure.
  8. That is excellent new for the handosme man and you. Keep healing Cougar, we're all praying for you.
  9. Hoping whatever it is will work it's way out. If he needs surgery, get your vet to use Amocar, the drug OSU uses to prevent bleeding in greyhounds.
  10. That's the Cali I know and love. Hoping she is home soon and Vern has his sister back. I'm hoping to get out and visit in the next few days. Let me know when the best time.
  11. That is awesome Tracey. Things are falling in to place. I bet you are feeling a bit better, just knowing you are moving forward. I wish I was closer and could offer some help in person, but you know how to find me if you need anything. Big to all of you.
  12. I bought the oral version, it's a capsule. I've since learned there are different versions. Jake got 500 mg twice a day (that was actually once a day plus whenever my DH remembered) in about 6 weeks his corn disapeared. As someone mentioned, some treatments work well for some dogs and not for others. I bought it at our local grocery store in their organic section, but most health food stores sell it.
  13. She will be stunning no matter what. Sending lots of love and gentle healing thoughts to my pretty girl. to her and to you.
  14. Well crap! Talk about a rollercoaster. I'm so sorry, but we are back where we started. Lots of hugs for all of you, especially Cosmo.
  15. Janet, I guess it's on top of the bone. That's probably why it shrank when he did the FNA. Since my vet can't do it, what do I ask to feel confident that these guys can? And where's that info about anesthesia again? I haven't needed it before, so of course I didn't save it... It's good that it is on top of the bone - no osteo. Lot's of possibilities though. Here is a link to a page on the OSU site on anesthesia.
  16. There are similarities, but many differences. Hopefully Dr Marin or Dr Couto or Dr Bill will get back to you quickly. I think in the end you are going to want this the heck out of there. That's what we opted to do with Foxy's tumor, removed it and sent it for pathology instead of a biopsy. This was in the bone though, right? Not on top of the bone? Why can't these things be cut and dried? I'm not much help, but am sending love and hope.
  17. I'll check back in a while. I'm going to dig Foxy's pathology report out, because a great deal of that is ringining a bell.
  18. Canine "normal" body temperature range is 100.5 - 102.5 Fahrenheit (38 - 39.2 Celsius). A body temperature below 100 or above 103F warrants a call to your veterinarian
  19. There's my pretty girl. Although I have to say that leg is pretty ugly looking. Vicky, you know you guys are in our prayers. Shirt is ordered and I'll come visit as soon as you want. Make sure you register on the Hope for Hounds Board we've started to gather some great tips for new tripods.
  20. Oh that is wonderful. He has amazing spirit. Hope your night is good.
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