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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Yes it is Heather, but our funds cover the oncology side of things. This allows Dr Couto's team to provide treatment to greyhounds with cancer, as well as consult with vets accross North America about their cancer patients. They also provide free chemo to retired racing greyhounds. One of the things I am doing this year is using Hope for Hounds as a platform to raise money and awareness not only about the cancer research, but everything OSU does for us greyhound owners. I am speaking at Sandy Paws about the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and Hope for Hounds. I just got some data from Dr Couto yesterday and Dr Marin is sending me pictures. I'm hoping this is something I can get invited to do at other greyhound events. This program is so important, and we are very lucky to have it. I'd hate to see it compromised by lack of funding. One of the goals of Hope for Hounds has been to give greyhound owners a presence. By donating to Hope for Hounds, all the $5.00, $15.00 and $30.00 donations add up to become one BIG cheque. Often when Dr Couto says he can get money for a project the Dean will say okay but how? Dr Couto tells him you don't know greyhound owners! Since HfH started making regular donations, we prove him right with every cheque. The last few have been sizeable too. Together we make a big difference.
  2. Safe travels Denise. I told Dr Couto how precious this girl is to us. I know she will get the best shot at fighting this by going there. Sad I won't meet you next week, but this is so much more important. Give the man a hug for me.
  3. Didn't I tell you you would love him, Dr Couto is the best. You know I think the best thing he has instilled in his team and his students is a deep compassion and love for their cliets. They truly are special people. I'll be keeping you and yours in my prayers Patti, I know how very hard this is. Hang in there, if nothing you are tough.
  4. It may not be home, but it sure is a good place for a greyhound to be. Keeping Pave Maria and Flippy in my prayers.
  5. I was going to PM you and ask, you saved me the trouble. Although that doesn't surprise me at all, thank you. I wouldn't hesitate to do this Patti, you can't beat having the best do this. Anything that increases her chances is good by me.
  6. So glad all went well. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
  7. Oh I have words, they just aren't printable. I also have Faith that Flippy can and will beat this. We're with you FlippyDoo, Mama Caffie is right Trish cannot have you for a long, long time.
  8. Enough already! I'm so mad for you, this really isn't fair. It's alredy been said, but you did catch it early. This will pass and become a memory. Stay strong.
  9. Deanna I'm so sorry Godspeed Carrie, go find your brothers and friends.
  10. You know you have my prayers, thoughts and anything else I can send. Remember if you need anything at all, just let me know. Hugs and love from all of us in the frozen north
  11. I'm so happy and relieved to report that he is better. His eye is completly clear and he hasn't bothered it in days. I am still keeping his dew claw wrapped so he doesn't rub when I'm not around. Thank you everyone for your prayers, thoughts and advice.
  12. If it helps at all, even a little bit....... I understand. I've had that feeling too, of Foxy being right there. I had a dream, so intense I could feel her paws hit my back. Last week, for the first time in ages, I got out 4 cookies instead of 3. I dropped it, and no-one even tried to pick it up. It was as if they knew, it wasn't for them. Open your heart to the possibility and listen, she is still with you. Know too you are not alone, we walk this journey with you if you let us.
  13. I would. It`s a drug that has been around a long time. Most of the children I work with who have serious allergic reactions have it on hand. It reduces the histamins quickly, therefor giving relief quickly. You can give him a whole 25 mg tab. I`ve used benadryl for a number of situations. It was the first thing I gave Foxy when she had LP attacks. It really helped calm her and her breathing. Recently I used it for Jake`s healing eye. I think it`s worth trying, poor guy needs some relief and so do you. Let us know how it worked. Editing to add I gave Foxy 25 mg and she was only 65lb at her heaviest.
  14. Well everyone, I am cautiously optimistic about Jake's eye. Here is the last pic that you've all seen. This is today before I washed his eye. It's really stained and is going to take a while before the stain is gone. Do you think it looks better?
  15. Oh Hilda, I am so sorry. : Godspeed Gogh you have many friends waiting at the bridge.
  16. My deepest sympathy. Godspeed Gidge Go find your friends sweetheart
  17. Use the link at the bottom of my siggy to get the OSU contact info. Copy the pathology report to them and someone will get back to you. Also, express your concerns about his pain and they will likely be able to give you some suggestions for your vet.
  18. I'm going to add my concern about the biopsy. Knowing what I do about cancer and greyhounds (way more than I want to) I don't see a need for a biopsy of any kind. Since you know you aren't able to amputate, withouth that chemo isn't going to accomplish much. Pain management is the only thing I would concentrate on right now. That and making memories. We're here for you no matter what you decide.
  19. Yay! I can't tell you how thrilled I am Can you send me some pics and I'll scour the threads for some details for my Sandy Paws talk.
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