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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Jake got a corneal abrassion last Tuesday night. He was on antibiotic drops it showed good progress initially. That was until yesterday, then it started to get worse. We just got home from seeing Miki our vet. While it is half the size the original abrassion was, it wasn't tacking down. She froze his eye and swabbed the dead tissue away. Please pray that it heals now otherwise he has to have a grid procedure. Basically they freeze the eye, and scratch a grid on the cornea. Then it will heal and tack down. He was off his food last night and wouldn't eat again this morning. He was moving like a really old man, and while he is almost 10 he still moves like a yound dog. I thought it was his back or hip. Miki checked him thoroughly and his left leg is the problem this time. He wouldn't let Miki lift his right foot. When she turned his foot he knew it should be moved, but tried to do it with minimal movement. He also has edema in the same place it took place on his right leg last Dec and last May. For now his is on tramadol and we watch him for a fever and further swelling. That is Dr Couto's recomendation when this happened to his right leg. We'll do a fine needle and a culture if the edema worsens. That way we'll know what we are dealing with, I hope. Sunday Jan 25th Things have improved, I think. He is squinting only when he thinks I'm going to do something to his eye. I'm optimistic, but this is where we were last Sunday and then it got worse. Fingers crossed as we finish the antibiotics tomorrow. His leg is pain free. There is still a bit of residual edema, but he is back to playing and doing stairs without problem. I'm thinking this was probably a pulled muscle or a sprain this time. Please say a prayer that his eye continues to heal without further treatment. Tuesday, Jan 27 I just got back from yet another vet visit with Jake. His eye looked okay yesterday morning, but by night it was obviously going to need another recheck. He had rubbed his eye lid while I was at work and it is not inflamed. Miki said it was healing, but the edges were lifting and there were no vessels showing. So, she did a cross hatch grid on his cornea with a needle. This will stimulate healing and we should see major improvemt in a week. He has more antibiotic gel and I'll give him some benedryl for the itching on his eye lid. Jake handled the whole thing really well. I don't think I could stand still while my eye was scratched, even with freezing. Please keep him in your prayers that it heals this time. Saturday Feb 7 On Wednesday, things looked good. By Friday it was clear that his eye was bothering him Here's a picture of my poor sad boy. Now he has a new abrasion! Likely becaue his eye is healing and is vulnerable. Because it was looking good on Wednesday, and he was leaving it alone, I took the vet wrap off his dew claw. He likely scratched himself with it. So no new grid, just freezing and a q tip to smooth down the edges. Drops for 2 weeks and vet wrap on dew claw for 3 weeks. Pray this does the trick. Wednesday, Feb 11 I'm taking the hunk back in today. Although, he sure doesn't look like a hunk today. I really wish he had seen Miki last time, I wasn't all that convinced that the other vet did what was needed. Keep him in your prayers, this is week 5 I feel so bad for him. Okay, news isn't so bad. His original abrasion is completely healed and the blood vessels are visible now yay! His new abrasion wasn't healing, so Miki cleaned it up. We decided to go ahead and do another grid to help it heal, since it worked for the last one. The good news is that he is infection free. Bad news is he heals slowly. We are going to work really hard at keeping Jake from rubbing it. Keep thinking good thougts
  2. My vet is awesome, grey savvy and will openly discuss and debate our dog's care. They do have dogs stay overnight, but there is no-one there. If my dogs needed to be overnighted, Foxy did once, they go to a 24 service. The 24 hour service is good, but they aren't as open with me or willing to listen. So we stay with the vet we love and hope we never need the 24 hour service. It's good to know it's there if we need it though.
  3. I put the drops in a syringe, add a bit of water and squirt it down their throats. You can use the cream on the dogs too, just rub it in really well.
  4. Hmmmm I've never used it for abrasions, only on bruises. I have traumeel drops which contains arnica plus a lot of other good stuff. I use that for bruised scrapes etc.
  5. Tom, I am so very sorry. You and Ember fought a brave battle together. Godspeed sweet Ember
  6. Update Jake has a big corneal abrasion. Luckily he has no damage to the eye itself. The bad news is it is a nasty scratch and he is really close to needing a different kind of treatment that would need him to be sedated. Miki wants there to be a major improvement in two days or he has to go back in. Eyes injuries can go bad very quicklyI have antibiotic get to put in his eye twice a day and he gets tramadol for the first two days. I also have to vet wrap his dew claw so he doesn't claw himself when he rubs it. He's looking pretty miserable. We also confirmed that he has a small corn on his front foot. Since it's small, I'm going to try bee propolis first. He isn't limping at all at this point. If it grows we'll have to have another vet hull it. Only one vet here has hulled corns. Miki is going to come with me to observe, that way she can do it in the future.
  7. Last night Jake was playing in the snow with Peanut. When he came in I noticed that he was squinting, so I kept an eye on it. By bedtime he was clearly having a problem, watery discharge and he was pawing at it. I can't see anything wrong, but it is no better this morning and he has a slight bruise showing on his eye brow. We are going to the vet in a while, so think good thoughts that it isn't serious. Update Jake has a big corneal abrasion. Luckily he has no damage to the eye itself. The bad news is it is a nasty scratch and he is really close to needing a different kind of treatment that would need him to be sedated. Miki wants there to be a major improvement in two days or he has to go back in. Eyes injuries can go bad very quicklyI have antibiotic get to put in his eye twice a day and he gets tramadol for the first two days. I also have to vet wrap his dew claw so he doesn't claw himself when he rubs it. He's looking pretty miserable. We also confirmed that he has a small corn on his front foot. Since it's small, I'm going to try bee propolis first. He isn't limping at all at this point. If it grows we'll have to have another vet hull it. Only one vet here has hulled corns. Miki is going to come with me to observe, that way she can do it in the future.
  8. pooping is a huge thing. I bet she feels a lot better.
  9. As an immediate and safe way to warm up a human or animal get under a blanket with them. Your body heat will gently bring their body temperature up. I'd be concerned about frost bite though. Hoping Kool Aid is okay.
  10. That doesn't look so bad Lene. Just keep an eye on it. Jake had a horrible bruise on his butt a few weeks ago, dark purple and red. no idea what he did. Arnica get reduced it overnight and by the next day it was gone. Arnica get rocks. Just keep an eye one it.
  11. Hoping the change of meds will do the trick. Sending more prayers and lot so hugs.
  12. That's the news I was hoping for Karen. Hoping you all have a restful night. Hugs to you and Deb and the pups.
  13. Hoping she continues to improve. Sending more hugs and prayers.
  14. I keep traumeel on hand for those kinds of things it's a homeopathic treatment. Our pharmacy carries it, but you can get it at health food stores too.
  15. I'm with you Tami, how could such a perfect creature that gives unconditional love and forgives us for our failings not get to heaven? At my Mom's memorial service the minister was talking about my Mom and her love of animals especially her dogs and granddogs. She said that heaven must have been a pretty exciting place with the reunion that happened when my Mom arrived. So our minister believes that animals have souls and do go to heaven.
  16. She looks great! Glad to see you got the traumeel going. I always have some on hand. Next time you see her give her a hug for me.
  17. Sadie's Mom and I have talked a few times about her as this is the same cancer Foxy had. She really has tried everything available. I will keep Sadie in my prayers. Please tell her Mom I'm thinking of her. If there is anything I can do let me know.
  18. I'm so sorry. I remember that you PM'd me when Foxy was failing, it meant so much as you knew what we were going through. I know how hard this decision was for you, know I am thinking about you and about Morgan and his next journey. He won't be alone. Godspeed handsome man, know you were loved.
  19. Thanks for letting me know about his ahead of time Cully. It truly is the end of an era. I don't know if there are any surviving HB's Commander kids left. I bet that the Queen BarbieJade and Foxy joined her sister Duchess to greet Hermione at the bridge. Godspeed sweet girl, heaven will never be the same with all you sweet old gals running things.
  20. Bosha is a wonderful hound, and is on HfH's Inspiring Stories page. I was lucky enough to meet him on the day he had his check up at OSU. Then he was 2 years post amp. Barb, his Mom always lets me know when he has a big check up due and lets me know the outcome. I'm very proud of him and his Mom Barb for providing inspiration, not only to hounds but to children too.
  21. Knowing this was coming has not made it one bit easier to read. I'm so grateful I met Annie, she was a beautiful girl even when she was full of mud. Annie will live on for us through her babies Player, Hip Hop, Rowdy, Lolli, Dessa and Tator Tot. She's left us with wonderful memories that in time will make you smile and bring you comfort. Until then, know that we are here when you need us. I love you Godspeed Annie Mae, run with the wind Curly Sue, Einstein and Rosebud will show you the way,
  22. Hello from Ottawa. You will find lots of good info here to helf Ozzy settle in.
  23. Hoping today is a better day. Did you read the article I sent you on B12. Everone here is on that and probiotics to keep the good bacteria in their gut. Sending more hugs and a kiss for our boy.
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