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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Patsy


    I am so sorry for the loss of this memorable pup. Hugs.
  2. Lexie you are so patient. I sure hope you scored extra treats for this caper.
  3. That's a marvelous combo of stink eye and reproach he has going there. Good job!
  4. I'm surprised this miscreant wasn't immediately struck by lightening.
  5. If a person might just possibly need Cletus' address, what would that be? Just asking for a friend.
  6. Logan, you have the most gorgeous furry butt! The pix are wonderful.
  7. Patsy


    Fly free and healthy sweetie. Maybe after a bit your mom can post some pix of you?
  8. Oh Jax! You were gorgeous. Send your family a sign, k? I have to admit I admire your style of being fine up until your last day. Hard on your family but better for you.
  9. Man those allergies are bad this morning!! "Hai. My name is Fencetop and this is my greyhound"
  10. "not good with chickens" is such a tactful way to put it. 😜. DH and I have a running joke about "perfect" coming from young servers. Out here it's definitely age related and it is amazing the assorted things in life which are perfect.
  11. Holy cow! And think of the number of visitees--well into several thousand I bet.
  12. Linus sez he has the spraddle back legs perfectly.
  13. OMG! Would be fascinating to hear what an animal communicator would hear about that little escapade.
  14. Please add Kestralyn's senior kitty Stanley to the list.
  15. Cue the spooky music and keep us updated.
  16. Happy birthday to roo! I too am jealous of the green you have showing. I'm still watching golf (muted) so I can look up now and then and see green grass and trees.
  17. Yeah, those of us up here know knot to trust April!
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