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Everything posted by tbhounds

  1. You can order the panacur from chewy.com. The strongidt (pyrantel) can be purchased online also. It’s sold as 50mg/ml. Dosing is 1ml/10lbs. So, a 50lb dog would take 5mls orally. Here’s a link to one site...https://www.revivalanimal.com/product/pyrantel-pamoate-suspension-50mg?utm_source=adwords_t&utm_medium=g&utm_term=&utm_campaign=PLA&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2o_fBRC8ARIsAIOyQ-kZdgMpFLz0QdZLGU3sdjLEeVOXA8jrAjsw1wxKxTnDE8AFfjk6LoIaAqZBEALw_wcB
  2. Daks-the de-worming protocol your vet recommended used to be the gold standard for hooks-not so much any longer. It appears that your vet is unaware of the larva leak syndrome. Definitely start the Advantage Multi and use that monthly. I would give the panacur for 5 days consecutively and on the 5th day give a dose of strongidt (they have a synergenic effect). Repeat the panacur/strongidt protocol 2 weeks later. You can also continue the strongidt once a week for 6 weeks thereafter. That’s the protocol that worked for me. FYI-the Advantage Multi needs to be given a minimum of 3 months before it has a systemic effect. Good luck Feel free to pm me -I can help you with doses and where to purchase the meds online.
  3. Did you retest her thyroid values? She might not nor ever was hypothyroid.
  4. You could run an Ehrlichia PCR to check for active infection.
  5. Looks like normal gh values. The low glucose value may be explained by poor specimen handling. The blood must be spun in a timely manner otherwise the glucose level will decline.
  6. Im suprised that tooth wasnt extracted. When the fracture involves the dentin it becomes a source of infection. The 408 tooth is the carnassial.
  7. Ask your vet to dispense Entyce. It will help his appetite.
  8. Im so sorry. One thing I have learned in life is tomorrow isnt promised to anyone. Live life to its fullest each and every day. Hug and kiss has been delivered to my Lily in Moonshines name. Hugs to you.
  9. Bathe frequently. Removing topical allergens will be of great benefit. Continue with the apoquel. You can also consider the cytopoint injection. https://www.zoetisus.com/products/dogs/cytopoint/
  10. It would be highly unusual to see hip woes in a gh without a more serious underlying condition. If getting more comprehensive rads done is becoming difficult you might want to see a specialist that has a ct scan on site.
  11. I had heard that the rate for NJ will increase (all pet insurance companies)-I do understand that-everything goes up in NJ except my salary.
  12. Tramadol doesn’t do much for pain -more and more vets are getting away from using it. Do you have an nsaid and gabapentin to give her?
  13. It’s extremely rare that a gh has a torn cruciate-not that it can’t happen but, it’s rare. I would get the rads done sooner rather than later.
  14. Need to get the x-rays done but also run a urinalysis (the check for protein in the urine)
  15. Just use the advantage multi. No need for the interceptor. Need to use the AM for a minimum of 3 months before it becomes a steady state in the body.What worked for me was 6 days of panacur and on that 6th day give a dose of strongidt with the panacur. They have a synergistic effect with each other-repeat in 2 weeks and continue monthly applications of the AM.
  16. The count you are referring to is the number of Ova (eggs) counted on the fecal float. It really can vary as your Dr explained-it’s depends on if mamma worm was shedding eggs at the time of fecal collection and the amount of mamma worms doing so.
  17. Don’t stop or change medication without consulting your veterinarian. Your vet must be leaning towards immune disease vs tbd. Perhaps address your concerns with you vet-always worthy of a discussion.
  18. Prednisone?? Prior to the tick panel results? Wow-if your dog has a tbd putting them on pred (suppressing the immune system) is allowing to unleash the monster.
  19. Ghs bruise. Sometimes the bruises can look rather awful. Cant really tell by a blood sample if they are producing more platelets-red cells yes-that would be the retic count.
  20. Sounds right for a resting heartrate for a sighthound.
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