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Everything posted by tbhounds

  1. Oh my goodness! I hope everything is okay!
  2. My Stan took it for 3 consecutive years. He did develop osteo when he was 11 years old but, let’s face it-as a greyhound osteo is never a surprise. Apoquel kept him from being absolutely miserable for those 3 years and if asked if I would give it again my answer is a firm yes.
  3. Depends on your dogs current renal values. If the renal values have been stable often your veterinarian will adjust the IV fluids to help diuresis (flush) the kidneys. Keeping a rotten, infected tooth may prove to be more harmful towards renal function.
  4. The company claims they can be used together.
  5. Yikes. I’m sorry-your Vet should have been staying on top of this. The wound on the elbow is going to be a tough one to heal. Sugar or honey bandages should help to heal.
  6. Sure sounds like SLO-I would seek a derm vet at this point.
  7. Just want to say I’m sorry you’re facing the passing of another cherished hound :-(
  8. My question to your vet would be what has changed since they had pulled it from the market years ago. I also have a concern -what if the dog has a reaction to the injection ...if it has an extended 6 month release how is a reaction handled. I think the injection is a great option for shelters to help protect a larger amount of dogs but, I personally would not be comfortable using Proheart when there are other options available.
  9. tbhounds


    Beautifully written-your words ooze the love you had for River. Deeply sorry for your untimely and horrible loss. They walk in and leave our lives on their own terms-perhaps one day we will gain the knowledge to understand and accept that. Hugs-always.
  10. Perhaps starting apoquel may relieve the itch
  11. Yeast secondarily to allergies. My poor Stan had horrific allergies -when he had a flair it was recommended (by a vet derm) to bathe him 2-3 times a week.
  12. My sister just received an email stating it was a 52% increase (NJ)
  13. How old is the hound she’s trying g to sign up? I think a dogover the age of 7 excludes them from the higher plan.
  14. Have you been to an internal medicine Dr??
  15. Have you been to a neurologist? Really need an mri to determine the next course of action.
  16. Is he moving air through that nostril? Hold a mirror (glass) close to each nostril and see if the glass fogs as he exhales.
  17. Could have developed stress colitis simply from the trip to the veterinary clinic.
  18. Completely sounds like a histiocytoma lesion but, you really need your vet to do some fine needle aspirates (fna) for a cytology. Those tumors typically yield cells via fna’s really well and often your vet can run the cytology in the clinic during your exam time. All the best!
  19. Damn shame-how awful. I feel your vet failed you. I’m terribly sorry.
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