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Everything posted by tbhounds

  1. Sounds like your vet uses Antech Lab-they dont run the snap4dx test-that would be idexx. Let us know what the lastest platelet count returns as. Im hoping for a lab error.
  2. Wait to see if the lab ran a manual platelet count. Greyhound platelets tend to clump making automatic counts inaccurate. Also, hopefully your vet ran a snap 4dx test-it will test for multiple tick borne diseases. Did your vet note bruising on the gumline or sclera?
  3. Sorry to hear your baby isn’t well. Please consider the tie back surgery-needs to be done at a 24/7 hospital but, the surgery will be curative. LarPar is awful and not an easy passing for them.
  4. I’m familiar with a 10 day course. Albon isn’t an anti-parasitic (it’s an antibiotic) but, will support the bowel.
  5. The basophils are related to histamine response. Could be as simple as a recent response to a bee sting etc....
  6. Odd that his appetite is increased-typically they have a lower appetite, eat less and yet they still gain weight. Bloodwork does point towards hypot
  7. I would ultrasound him at this point. (FWIW-Jennifer’s hook de-worming protocol worked like a charm for me).
  8. Pre-molar or incisor? In your vet’s defense, sometimes time is a factor-your vet may have decided that continuing the procedure may have placed your dog in a higher anesthesia risk. Do you know if your vet took intra-oral radiographs? That may also have been a factor in leaving the teeth. Some folks have claimed that using a water pic has been pretty effective in keeping areas of recession clean. You can also try a rinse-and you must brush daily-obviously taking gentle care of the area of concern.
  9. I assume you are referring to the incisors? If so, your vet can safely extract them. There’s nothing that can be done for recessed gums-I think what your vet was trying to explain that once tartar and calculus have been removed/scaled from the tooth often the gums will re-adhere-that’s different from recession. The technician will actually be helping that process by root planning. Have the incisors extracted. If you are referring to the canines-well, that’s a different matter -those can be difficult extractions (and as previously mentioned require a flap)-esp in long, narrow nosed dogs. If it’s the canines-I highly recommend seeking a veterinary dentist to perform the procedure.
  10. Not sure if we are referring to the same Dr-Ive spoken to Dr Karen Helton-Rhodes. Now retired from her specialty practice. Currently running her new company.... http://www.healthyskin4dogs.com/overview/ Maybe this will help? From the site... https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54bd97f9e4b055fba262bef3/t/54caa36be4b0760ae199dbe7/1422566251136/food+allergy.pdf
  11. The board certified veterinary dermatologist I spoke to said its bs.
  12. Sounds like it’s a disc problem in her neck. Personally because she hasn’t responded to medical management I would mri it this point. There may be more going on besides Ivdd.
  13. No way can both the snap and the C6 return neg-that would really be quite a stretch to still have a positive dog imo. Once the dog becomes symptomatic you should get a positive result.
  14. Solid plan. (Been there with the false sigh of relief-sucks)
  15. If he’s truly diabetic no need to fast-routine bloods and a u/a will be enough. It’s when you are already treating/regulating you’ll need to do a bg curve and a fructosamine test.
  16. I would consider retesting her thyroid rather than just deuce the dosage. Could be she was never hypoT in the first place.
  17. Im leaning towards foreign body.
  18. Few thoughts-first must get her comfortable. My goodness 14yrs old? Personally, I would give her whatever medication that may help her daily quality of life. Galipriant is a nsaid that is proven to be more renal friendly-I would definitely get her started on that. I would also drop the tramadol as recent research is leaning towards it only provides some mild sedation making your dog look more comfortable all the while not really improving analgesic effect. Replacing tramadol with gabapentin would be a fantastic option (IMO). Did your vet dispense any antibiotics? I would be concerned of an infection in her toe.
  19. I would repeat the rads. Something smells not right.
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