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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so, so sorry he is going through this (and you too, of course) I have no advice , just more :candle and
  2. I am so sorry to see this, I didn't know Steak was having seizures! I wish I had some answers for you
  3. Remolacha


    I am so sorry she made an amazing recovery and gave you a few more precious months
  4. if she doesn't mind you messing with it, it's probably not broken. she could have dislocated it, then it "popped" back into place, or it could be a bite you could give her a baby aspirin, if you have it, and see how she is in the morning.
  5. I am so sorry for your loss, but thank you for thinking of others and doing the necropsy.
  6. I had insurance for the cats and added my first dog when I adopted her. When I went to try and add the second dog, ran into all the "pre-existing condition" stuff, plus I realized how the premiums had jumped once they all became seniors. I dropped the insurance and went the savings account route. That works better for me, since I usually have seniors.
  7. I am so sorry she is not doing better :candle
  8. wonderful update! hoping Lazar has many many more good days ahead!
  9. Oh, yeah. I'd pay triple if it didn't smell like that. A teensy droplet landed in my hair one day and I was going mad trying to find the source of that "moldy dead mouse" smell. Wonder if pharmacists can re-scent things the way they can flavor so many meds now ...... "moldy dead mouse smell" no wonder Fletcher loves it!
  10. How old is Ben? Have you had his eyes checked? I ask the first because I had a cat that started randomly meowing at night. Vet finally determined he had "kitty Alzheimers", he was 15 yrs old. The second suggestion, I don't have personal experience with, but some people here have had dogs with vision problems that started with night time whining.
  11. This is why I pay the extra money for Metacam.
  12. :candle it's always encouraging when the vets don't expect them to make it through the night and they do! hoping the tests show the pred is helping
  13. I am so sorry, what a terrible shock!
  14. Thanks! Sugar was on that (and Enalapril) for her heart disease. Fletcher got something else for the bronchitis, hydrox-something. I'll check when I get home.
  15. I remember you and True, I am so sorry for your sudden loss, but you are right, she had a great life
  16. I am glad you got some answers! Can I ask what medicine they gave her for her bronchitis? Fletcher was diagnosed with allergic bronchitis a couple of months ago.
  17. I use Metacam for Fletcher's arthritis. Yes, getting a new bottle is painful, it is so expensive! The generic meloxicam is much cheaper, if that works for your dog. It does seem to be easier on the liver
  18. Poor thing! I was hoping she could get started on her gum meds. (I just think she doesn't want to leave )
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