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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I don't think there is a time when I wish they could talk to us more than when they go off their feed. sigh. It could be so many things, from him deciding he doesn't like one of the new foods, to an obstruction, to the heat. I think a vet visit is a good idea.
  2. the same reason cats always pick the most expensive and/or hard to clean rug to throw up on? it's a mystery
  3. I know how you feel, I now have area rugs allover the house for Fletcher
  4. No real suggestions, except to say, it sounds like he has a sensetive digestive system, and something is causing a percentage of his food to pass through without being absorbed. Those situations can be tricky to pinpoint.
  5. she has the most beautiful white teeth, I really hope she gets to keep them and yes, she will be snapped up quickly once her mouth issues are resolved, she is a sweetheart!
  6. I was going to say infected salivary gland too. for something simple!
  7. I am sorry you and Poodle are going through this
  8. wow, it looks great! I had a co-worker who was bit by a brown recluse on her thigh, and it left an actual dent in her leg Looks like Harold won't even have a scar
  9. I am so sorry My old girl started having spinal issues (not LS, but the effects were similar) and she hated being helped. We got her stabilized and she improved for awhile. I promised her when things got bad again, I would let her go while she still had her dignity. It was hard, but it's what we owe them. I know you will make the right decisions for Ava, no matter how hard it is for you
  10. I am so sorry, what a terrible shock
  11. Fletcher will sometimes bark at people/dogs/cats/whoknowswhat that he sees outside, but that was all until Sallie joined us. Sallie barks when I come home, when she wants to play, when she wants attention, and she's taught Molly to bark too BTW, Sallie's professional name...Speak Volumes
  12. didn't look like tapeworms to me either, but my eyes aren't so good. A fecal is a good idea.
  13. I tried it on Fletcher for his fear of fireworks, and didn't notice any effect, but I wasn't using that large a dose. Hmmm, may try it again, sounds like it couldn't hurt.
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