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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I go to a one vet practice, so she gets my routine and my bad I am very lucky that she is only 5 min away and is grey savy. The few times I've had to go to the evet with a dog, I've been lucky to get a vet that at least has some experience with greys and their quirks. I'm usually at the evet with a cat.
  2. I agree with you, the "fix" is not something I would have done either.
  3. I am glad she is a little better! Yes, those conditions can be managed, Fletcher has had IBD since he was 2 (at least), and he rarely even needs meds anymore, just his special diet and supplements. I hope Dorie gets to that point!
  4. for no cancer! I hope the meds kick in soon and she starts to feel better.
  5. The two things may not be related. Sallie coughs occasionally, never found any cause The other almost sounds like a TIA or small seizure... But, I am not a vet, so don't let me scare you! She could have just had some indigestion! I hope it all turns out to be nothing!
  6. great update! so glad she is feeling a little better, I am sure being home has a lot to do with that! and for better poop Can you use OTC Prilosec for the omeprazole? What would be the dose?
  7. Of all the non prescription stuff I tried for Fletcher's fear of fireworks, Quiet Moments worked best. It still wasn't enough for the fourth of July, but it helps with the more distant (and shorter) fireworks that they shoot off after the home baseball games every Friday
  8. The thread Heather gave the link to has a lot of good information. There is no "one true way" to feed raw I've been feeding my dogs raw for years, I use the "whole prey" model, more or less . Fletcher has IBD and can't eat any veggies, and only very limited fruit. The girls have no dietary restrictions, but they are all happy and healthy!
  9. Arthritis will show up on an x-ray, not sure about tendonitis. Have you checked the foot for corns? I hope it turns out to be something minor!
  10. I am so sorry for all you and Dorie have been through. I hope she responds to the meds and beats the odds, and has much more time with you
  11. I am so sorry I love the picture of you son (?) sharing his dinner with a starving greyhound
  12. I am so sorry, it is so hard to let them go, even when it is time
  13. poor Robin I guess this is one of those things that is never "cured", just "controlled" .
  14. NINE handballs I agree, the teeth are probably the funniest!
  15. I am so sorry this happened to you and Olivia, but glad to hear Olivia will be OK. After this happened to us, Fletcher, who wasn't great with other breeds before, became much more leash aggressive. Some dogs become more fearful. The best thing you can do for your dog is to try and have a positive, upbeat attitude, and not tense up when you see other dogs. I sat "try", because I know how difficult that is I think a stick is probably the best defense, one long enough to keep some distance between the other dog and you (if possible) The bad thing about sprays is, they can blow back in your face, or your dog's. I have yelled, stomped my feet, even thrown a full bag of poop at one dog You do whatever it takes, but, as you know, everything happens so fast! I suppose it is too much to hope the other owner offered to pay your vet bills
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