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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. What a beautiful tribute, I am so sorry
  2. I am so sorry to hear this, I was hoping she could come back and be with you for a little longer
  3. That looks much more comfortable! He looks much happier, too
  4. I am so sorry Those orange kittehs are so special
  5. I like their products, but this one didn't work for us.
  6. I don't think it should be hot, but as long as it's not swollen, it's probably ok. I forget, how long has he had it on?
  7. Remolacha


    Holly I am so sorry I am sure the last year and a half were the best of her life
  8. don't want to add to your worries, but if he was in AZ, he probably should be tested for Valley Fever (if he hasn't been already)
  9. Yes, that splint (in the other thread) is very similar. We didn't have the nifty straps, though I still changed the bandages every other day. I think Sallie (with the bad break) wore it about 2 1/2 weeks. No sores.
  10. I was hoping I could find a link with a picture, but no luck. I don't think this is something my vet "made up", but you never know
  11. did they, or will they, do an ultrasound? I know sometimes, for the organs, that shows stuff better than x-rays. Just throwing something else out there. I hope you get some answers for Ace soon
  12. I don't know if this would work for Kevin, but both my broken toed dogs had hard rubber splints cut kind of like a half pipe that cradles the foot. They only came up to about the "wrist" (see, I know anatomy too ) It was a bit awkward, but it only took them about day to get used to walking with them on. Of course, I didn't leave them on very long, either. Good luck to Kevin
  13. The girls don't get nicked up too bad, although they have 4 ripped-off dew claws and two broken toes between them from playing in the yard Fletcher is a major klutz and always has nicks, scrapes, cuts on his feet and lower legs. I don't even medicate most of them anymore, just clean them up and keep an eye on them. So far, everything has healed up just fine.
  14. I've had two dogs break toes, but both on a back foot. Molly's was a simple break on an outside toe. It was splinted for about a week, then we took the splint off. In retrospect, I wouldn't have splinted that one at all. It took awhile, but eventually healed just fine. Sallie broke an inside toe, in several places (I have no idea how she managed that ) Also splinted for a couple of weeks, vet said if it didn't heal we would have to amputate, but luckily, it did heal. I think it bothers her occasionally, and will probably develop arthritis, but so far it's ok. If it's an outside toe, I wouldn't bother with a bunch of pins and stuff, I'd just amputate, if it were my dog. I think it would be faster and easier healing.
  15. My first greyhound was also my first "grown-up" dog. I prepared, worried, prepared some more, worried some more She was great. Looking back, there are some things I would do differently, but I didn't know any better, and she survived She had been through a stressful couple of months before I got her, most of which I didn't know about at the time, and she was still fine. They really are dogs and used to people. They really are that lazy! You may not see your dog's real personality at first, don't worry if they are a bit withdrawn, they are just getting used to their new world. Have fun!
  16. I'd do x-rays, both on the leg and also his hip/lower spine area. Fletcher pants, a lot, and his panting seems to be a combination of pain from his arthritis (we upped his pain meds), an increasing sensetivity to heat as he gets older, and "chronic allergic bronchitis" That was a new one one me, and he has been taking an antihistimine for that. A tick panel is always a good idea, and given his history, I'd have his kidney function tested (not sure exactly what tests are involved). good luck!
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