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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. white chocolate is cocoa butter, sugar, maybe some other oils & flavors, but it isn't really chocolate, so that part isn't a worry, but the nuts may be.
  2. I am so sorry, he was a very handsome bird
  3. I am so sorry Doolin is poorly again! I assume the specialist was an internist? Internal medicine covers quite a bit, and this behavior was linked to his stomach issues last time, so I would at least talk to her about her seeing him again.
  4. I would still take her in. They may have given you the advice they did over the phone because (despite your explination) they thought you might be over-reacting. If you take her in, they can see that she needs some attention. Even if the vet can't see her right away, they can put her on fluids.
  5. I've got to say, that lurcher doesn't sound very bright Based on the lurcher's reaction, it doesn't sound like he was trying to be dominant, is he very young?
  6. pumpkin actually should help either way, the fiber bulks up soft poo (doesn't really help true diarrhea) and loosens up too-firm poo. If that doesn't work, metamucil (same as pumpkin, works both ways), a small amount since it's a small dog, or maybe fish oil? Fish oil caps give two of my greys very loose poop. I used to give my rabbit a metamucil wafer, 1 wafer=7 # rabbit per day.
  7. Like others have said, Riley's behavior was entirely appropriate. The other dog was rude, and Riley told him to back off, just bad luck that he caught the ear tip. The owner sounds pretty clueless. You shouldn't feel responsible, but I understand you feel sorry for the other dog and don't want people to think badly of Riley.
  8. again, I am so sorry Dot and Tony together
  9. Diane, I am so sorry You were the best thing in Tony's life
  10. I am so sorry, he was truly an exceptional hound
  11. I am very lucky that Fletcher does not need to be on Flagyl continuously, and he's never had a reaction to it, but I would try giving Merlin a break and seeing if made a difference, since you have an alternative. I don't consider 7 old, although technically sometimes that is considered "senior".
  12. abscess? not very helpful, I know Harold I hope you get some (good) answers
  13. I just went through something very similar with one of my cats. She started getting picky (she is normally a very good eater!) and loosing weight. Blood work, x-rays were good, so at the end of April, we did a dental. She lost several teeth, but quickly started eating well again. For about a week. Then her appetite fell off, and she developed an abscess under her chin. More antibiotics, another dental, where she lost more teeth, more antibiotics, and finally, after two months, she is back to eating well and putting on some of the weight she lost. The vet said her remaining teeth looked good after the first dental, but when she went back in, there were some pockets forming around some of the remaining teeth I hope you figure out what it is
  14. What a very special girl she was! I am so sorry
  15. I am not a vet, but I do have an IBD dog , so I understand a little of what you are going through. As you know, they can have flare-ups of their IBD for no apparent reason As long as the flare-ups aren't too serious and resolve quickly, I don't go to the vet. It sounds like something is making him not want to eat, very possibly the heat, and then when his tummy is empty, the gurgling and loose poop start. As long as you can "fix" him with slippery elm, I wouldn't worry too much. Obviously, if it gets worse or goes on longer, you want to get him in to the vet. I don't know if you've tried Manuka honey, but when Fletcher starts to get gurgly, a teaspoon-ish (I don't measure) fixes him right up!
  16. I am so sorry to hear this. I would definitely look into acupuncture, if it works for her (it doesn't help all dogs) it will give her a lot of pain relief.
  17. I was going to suggest you ask the techs at your vet, but I see you are all set
  18. this site has some good suggestions. I've found the vinegar works pretty well in small areas. http://www.gardeningknowhow.com/organic/homemade-pet-friendly-weed-killer.htm I've bought a local weed killer that's supposed to be pet safe that uses clove oil and orange oil. It works well, too
  19. she is gorgeous! congratulations I love that next to last picture She looks like she is saying "Harry! Play with me!" and Harry is saying "Girl, you need to learn what retirement is all about (napping!)"
  20. Yes, skip breakfast, let her tummy settle. If she doesn't throw up, give her a half portion, like Aimee said, and see if she keeps that down. If she doesn't, or she throws up before you feed her again, I'd plan on taking her to the vet. She could have developed a sensitivity to the new food over time. Also, make sure she is drinking, don't want her to get dehydrated!
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