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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Oh, I almost forgot, Bill's Shakie Cheese! (grated Parmesan cheese)
  2. Lazer !!! I agree with Batmom, unless he has dietary restrictions, just give him what ever he will eat! I forget, also, with all the meds he is on, is he getting anything for his tummy?
  3. I stop all shots at around 10 yrs old (they are three year shots, so it may not be exactly 10 for each dog) except rabies. Fletcher and Molly's next rabies is due when they are twelve. If they are still with me, I may or may not get rabies, depending on their health. This is just what I decided to do, based on my dogs health and lifestyle, and where I live. I am NOT at vet! This is NOT a recommendation for anyone else's dogs!
  4. I wonder if lazering it off (or part of it off) would be an option? I have no idea, just throwing it out there for you to ask your vet.
  5. Molly will eat a chicken foot (but if I give her more than one, the extras get left), they are not her favorite thing, maybe it's genetic
  6. sounds like something might be out of whack in her lower spine, hope the tests give you some answers!
  7. I've heard of it, but not tried it. Will be interested to see what you think. I started Fletcher on Yucca root drops. It's only been a week, but he jumped up on my bed this morning for the first time in a long time I'm going to give it a month and see.
  8. The only caution I would give, sometimes they have big old gobs of fat and skin, which *can* cause a little loose stool if your dog has a sensitive tummy. I never had that problem with any of mine, but I have heard of it from others. If you are worried, just pull it off
  9. I am so happy to see these "little" updates! A tail wag, a play bow, a smile they mean so much!
  10. I am so sorry, they are never with us long enough
  11. what a wonderful update! sounds like the meds are finally helping him I hope he has many seizure free years ahead!
  12. every day is a precious gift! so glad he is "present", hope he has many more good days ahead
  13. Excellent start! I am guessing too that his restlessness and other changes are from adjusting to his meds (mind you, I said I'm guessing!) The other dogs probably sense something different about him, but I think they will adjust too.
  14. Like you, I didn't like the way Ace affected Fletcher (it's fireworks for him), so I go my vet to give me valium, and that has worked well for him. He isn't happy, but he is calmer, but not out of it. Stay safe!
  15. Oh Gil, I am so sorry There is just something special about your first grey
  16. just more hope you all have a good (quiet) night!
  17. I think you have the key! You have to be more stubborn than they are, and with some of these dogs, that can take awhile Glad everything worked out for you
  18. :clap assuming you are on the way home with Wabi now
  19. :candle 5 p.m. return of a happy, healthy Wabi! btw, prayer to your PTB of choice may be arrogant, but I look from a cat's world view, you'll never know if you don't ask! (although cats aren't exactly known for being humble )
  20. What a nightmare! I am so sorry you and Steak (and your girls) are going through all this For what it's worth, if it were me I wouldn't do another MRI right now either. Hopefully, they can work with you on getting the combination & dosage of his meds adjusted. It doesn't sound like, at this point, knowing what is causing the seizures would change the treatment to try and get them under control. :candle
  21. I have no idea if this will help or not, but I started Sugar on acupuncture when she started having spinal problems. (big help for that btw) I happened to mention to her acupuncture Dr that she also had heart problems, she had been on Lasix and Enalapril for a couple of years, and had just started Vetmedin. The acupuncturist started giving her a few needles in her "heart" points, and it helped. After a couple of months, she went back for a recheck with her cardiologist, and (per the ultrasound) the enlarged side of her heart had shrunk, enough that he lowered the dose of of her meds So, like I said, I don't know if it would help Lazar or not, but you might talk to an acupuncture vet and see.
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