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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I've just skimmed the responses, so I'm probably repeating some stuff . Acupuncture can be a big help, but it usually takes a few sessions to really show results, and it doesn't work for everybody. I still think it would be worth a try before doing surgery! (acupuncture vet was just here to work on Fletcher) I see a harness has been mentioned, I will second that. Also, if they have tweaked/ pulled something in their neck, a week or so of pain meds and anti-inflammatories will make them feel better, but it can take up to a month for them to really heal. Molly had a stiff, painful neck, and after a week on meds she convinced me she was fine and we could resume normal activities Next day she was in even more pain than before, so I kept her on strict rest for a month, and she has been fine since (this has been about a year and half).
  2. Jilly Bean, I am sorry the tumor is growing, but glad to hear you are still your own sassy self! I hope you have many more good days
  3. He really shouldn't have been sore if he didn't loose a tooth, but I agree, you know if your dog is hurting! He may have been reacting to the Ace. Glad he is feeling better this morning, and Gypsy should be better by tomorrow as well.
  4. I am so sorry to hear the diagnosis. I have no personal experience, but i have known of many dogs with this particular form of cancer that achieve remission
  5. :confetti such a relief when you expect the worst and it is good news!
  6. I think the pancreatitis could have an effect. I had a cat that developed diabetes after having pancreatitis. Once the pancreatitis was cured, it took about 6 months and she was off the insulin. That was the first time I ever heard of such a thing! But, that was a cat, your Dr should be able to say if the same holds true for dogs.
  7. My old girl had adequan injections for her hind end weakness. Her's was caused by spinal issues. The first injection was a huge help, much improvement. As it started to wear off, she got another that seemed less effective, but by then her acupuncture had started working, so she wasn't as bad off. We may not have been giving them often enough (I think now) My vet only did it at my suggestion, so the oversight was al on me All the shots were done at the vets, so I can't tell you the dosage. I would definitely give it a try!
  8. Manuka honey should have a rating of at least 10+ I have found some that was 16+, most seems to be around 12+
  9. I am so sorry love those PBDs (plain brindle dogs)
  10. so glad to hear he is home! I know he will be so much happier
  11. sorry things are not looking better I hope you can get some answers!
  12. Pepcid (brand)= famotidine (generic) Zantac(brand)=ranitidine (generic) Prilosec(brand)=omeprazole(generic) this may help you find something locally Also, I can confirm, Manuka honey (about a spoonful) helps with digestive issues and no long term problems. My IBD dog gets it with every meal. It comes from New Zealand, so I should think it would be pretty easy for you to find Maybe in a health food store?
  13. My first greyhound, Sugar, had this problem, and acupuncture made a world of difference for her! I saw some improvement right away, and it took about 6 weeks to get the full effect, but she was about 90% back to normal. She had many other health issues, plus being 12 yrs old, but the acupuncture gave her another good year (she passed from unrelated issues). Hope Hattie is feeling better!
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