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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. There is a special pain when you loose your first, and it always hard to realize you can't make everything better.
  2. I don't know. I was just thinking about this this morning. A few days ago, we were walking past a house that had recently sold, and a dog came charging out of either the house our the car (both doors were open). Luckily, we were across the street, and I was able to grab Fletcher and hold him close to me. Also luckily, the other dog (a Chow ) stopped to do the butt sniff thing with the girls, who were "whatever" and the owner managed to grab him and get him in the house before he got to Fletcher, so no harm done. What I wonder, and have everytime some loose dog comes running up, is don't they see Fletcher barking, snarling, lunging? This is a big, mostly white dog (very visible) who is CLEARLY not friendly. What are these dogs thinking? Are they just all worked up and *not* thinking, just reacting? Maybe someone who knows dog behavior has some answers, because I have seen it so often. Glad Tracker was not seriously hurt!
  3. :goodluck everyone WILL have a good checkup, and 2013 WILL be a good year for you! anything else is unacceptable!
  4. I am sorry Jay that it was so aggressive and fast. It's not just cancer, I lost my first grey to acute kidney failure in one week. She seemed fine, then one night I came home and she had thrown up her breakfast. She never ate again and after a week of trying, I let her go. I understand the shock you feel of how fast everything happened.
  5. I am sorry to hear Lehto has IBD. I switched to raw for my IBD dog, but if you are not comfortable with that, Batmom has some excellent home cooking tips. You will need a source of calcium, and one way to get it is to put the chicken (bones and all) in a crockpot and cook until mush I think it takes about 24 hrs? A good multi vitamin for IBD. Dogs is Animal Essentials Herbal multivitamin. The IBD journey is trial and error, life long. Good luck!
  6. I am so sorry Jay, that was a beautiful tribute to Cody
  7. I am so sorry those challenging dogs really worm their way into your heart!
  8. Turkey and chicken backs are fine, just remember they have even less meat than the necks.
  9. Jay, I am so sorry, I had hoped Cody would be able to be treated
  10. hope he comes through the surgery with no problems and it fixes him up for good!
  11. So sorry to hear this. I hope it can be managed so you have a lot more quality time with him.
  12. When Sugar wouldn't eat, I got her to take some Ensure (she didn't like the generic!), sometimes mixed with tuna. Disgusting, but it got some calories in her.
  13. Fletcher has lost some weight/muscle mass over the last couple of years, he is down to a mere 85 lbs He will be 11 in a couple of months, and in his case it is definitely related to his arthritis which has gotten progressively worse in the last 2-3 yrs. We go for short walks, but I don't know that there is much you can do about it. Fletcher still races around the yard and plays like 2 yr old, which causes me heart failure on a regular basis, but that hasn't stopped the loss of muscle. I guess I don't have any advice for you, just know you aren't alone edited to add, you know eating poopsicles is like eating ice cream, has nothing to do with hunger edited to add, cause I forgot, Fletcher has "played" with the dog door for as long as I have had him, I just ignore it.
  14. hope he feels better soon and the test results are something easily treatable!
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