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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. No, pure honey won't, although it may get solid. You can just warm it a little and it goes back it liquid.
  2. Could be her age, Molly eats less, especially in the morning, now that she has turned 11. Could also be that she is full, I haven't fed TOTW for awhile, but 3 C seems like a lot for a 50lb dog. If you are sure she is OK, and doesn't start losing weight, she's probably just not hungry.
  3. Yes, Holy Sh*t is pretty much the usual reaction to the price. I have gotten it on Amazon for around $20, but it is so worth every penny! Welcome to the cult, er, club
  4. So scary! I am glad she is recovering. Almost sounds like the reaction one of my cats had when she ate (or tried to eat) a toad. Fletcher had giardia, but just had "regular" diarrhea.
  5. Glad to hear she had such a good check up! I can see you following her around with a paper towel and a flashlight lol!
  6. exactly! every dog is different, some need to gain weight, some don't, a few even do best in retirement at less than their race weight. also, different trainers have different ideas of "ideal" race weights, and lastly, some dogs gain weight easily, some don't, so that is a factor as well. OK, sorry for the lecture , OP, I don't think she looks terrible in any of those pictures, but if she were my dog, I'd keep her at around the 67lb weight.
  7. If they are eating the "good stuff" and treats, but not the kibble, they are just being picky! I have a Picky Princess, so I am familiar Unless they have a health problem, they won't starve themselves. Try giving them plain kibble for a few days, nothing else (that is hard, I know!) and see if that doesn't get them going again. Put the food out, leave it for maybe 15 min, then pick it up and don't feed them again until dinner. If you can't stand to do just kibble, pick ONE item to add, or give them their treats, but keep to the pick up after a few minutes and don't feed again routine. If they are still not eating after a few days of this, it might be time for a vet check. Good luck!
  8. she is adorable! what beautiful markings I like the name Sweetpea, lots of nickname possibilities there
  9. :pepper great to hear she is still improving! and she's home! (note to Violet, do NOT do ^)
  10. sounds like she is making excellent progress! I hope she gets to come home tonight
  11. Since they are already in 2lb rolls that is only a couple of days worth of food, you don't have to repackage. It should keep in the frig just fine for 2-3 days. I thought you were getting it in big 30lb chunks I don't repackage anything smaller than 5 lbs.
  12. thawing and refreezing is fine, just don't let it sir around once it is thawed. start repacking and refreezing as soon as you can pry it apart You are in for a long Saturday, but then you will be fixed up for quite awhile!
  13. I am so sorry she was such a beautiful girl, I wish you could have had more time with her
  14. (there are food co-ops too, I get my raw food from one ) as others have said, one or two meals of non-dog food won't kill them
  15. I am so sorry Joe T was a GT celebrity, he will be missed by many, many people
  16. No, none of my greys will drink water away from home. I see others drink at m&gs, but mine never will.
  17. Remolacha


    I am so sorry
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