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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Even the hospital pharmacy only had 5 pills! I did find a Walgreens that had the generic, I am assuming that should be OK? I didn't even ask the price, sigh.
  2. Molly has done this a couple of times. I never found the cause, but what worked was changing the bowls, changing the location (if the floor is slippery, make sure the bowl doesn't slide and he has a non-skid rug to stand on). This last time, adding Rescue Remedy to her water seemed to help (yeah, I was skeptical, and it might be a coincidence, but she got better when I started adding it)
  3. Some health food stores carry it, even some grocery stores, it is becoming more popular. Amazon often has the best prices, and it is expensive, but it will last forever. Get at least UMF of 10, often called "active 12+" or "16+" I like at least 16.
  4. Not quite the same thing, but Sallie gets hot spots and the best thing I have found to clear them up is Manuka honey. I cover it with a non stick pad and some vet wrap.
  5. I am so sorry! Sadly, I know how you feel. I lost Fletcher four months ago to hemangiosarcoma, and Molly is having surgery on Monday for a tumor on her spleen. I hope you have a lot of quality time ahead with Bess.
  6. Molly's surgery is scheduled for Monday. We would appreciate any prayers, white light, good thoughts that everything goes well. Thanks!
  7. I am a little less worried about the tumor rupturing than I was with Fletcher, this one is very firm, almost hard. She is not good at the vets, has to be dragged in, but settles down pretty well once she is inside. I have decided to do the surgery. I want to give her the chance for some more quality time, and it think the odds are pretty good. I know there are no gaurantees, and it isn't a cure, but Imthink it is worth a shot. My vet is totally on board with the Amicar, I'll get the prescription filled next week. I am hoping the surgery can be scheduled for next week. Thanks everyone!
  8. Yes, they did x-ray's last week, chest is clear.
  9. She is 11 1/2, blood work is good. She is not a "young" dog, exactly, but has always been healthy, not frail. I would have done the surgery, no question, if the ultrasound had shown the tumor had definitely not spread. I am inclined to go ahead with the surgery anyway, I guess my main concern (other than finding that it is worse and having to let her go right then) is that if it is spreading through the lymph nodes, it will spread faster and she won't have much time. But that is true whether I do the surgery or not. I know the surgery won't cure her, this is more like an amp for osteo, to control pain and hopefully slow the spread.
  10. So, Molly has a tumor in her abdomen on/near the spleen. We did an ultrasound today, and I was hoping I would get "tumor has not spread, go for surgery" or at least "sorry, tumor has spread, no point in surgery" The second option would be horrible, but at least I would know. Ultrasound showed, one nodule on the liver, 'might' be a cyst, or 'might' be related to main tumor. Something going on with lymph node closest to main tumor. 'Might' be inflammation from tumor, 'might' (more likely) be start of tumor spreading. So, technically surgery is still an option, could remove the tumor and spleen and she would feel better, until the spread started again. How long? Of course, no one can say. Aaauuugh! I have to make a decision and I keep going back and forth
  11. glad everything is OK! I kept children's gas-x on hand for Fletcher and a few times it saved us a trip to the e-vet in the middle of the night. (disclaimer! it doesn't prevent or cure bloat, it just relieves gas build up pretending to be bloat. always be ready to go to the vet if things don't improve right away)
  12. I am so sorry the news wasn't better for your beautiful girl. I will be hoping for a good outcome from the surgery!
  13. well, at least you found them, and not in Miami!
  14. Thank you all! I am hoping for the best and trying not to think about the worst. I just lost Fletcher to hemangiosarcoma four months ago I forgot about blood pressure, thanks for the reminder!
  15. OK, first, his growling at dogs he doesn't want to play with/finds rude is completely normal (and proper) dog behavior. I avoid dog parks because they are usually full of rude bouncy dogs and clueless owners! I think I know kind of where you live, in one of those complexes that have "forest"or something like that in the name and say "live in the trees!", right? He probably does need to become more used to other dogs, but I imagine he is sensitive to dogs that have bothered him in the past. Fletcher was pretty unfriendly to all non greyhounds, but certain types (sheperdy-wolfy types) really set him off, so they can have different reactions to different types of dogs, and some he may just never like. If you can teach him the "look at me" behavior, it will help a lot. As for the people who don't get greyhound behavior, as opposed to say, labs, all I can suggest is keep educating them. No, he's fine. He's perfectly happy, this is just how greyhound are. If they don't catch on, at least maybe they will quit asking
  16. I am so sorry you have to deal with this. I lost Fletcher to this this summer. After some significant weight loss with no obvious cause, I had an ultrasound done, tumor was found on his spleen and it had spread to his liver. He had started to loose his "spark" the day before the ultrasound, and I was concerned the tumor would rupture and bleed out, so I let him go the next day. From when I first noticed something wrong to the end was about three weeks. I wish I could tell you something more encouraging.
  17. Such a beautiful girl! I am so sorry for your loss, but glad she was able to stay with you for as long as she did.
  18. thanks We did chest x-rays as well as abdominal, but I will consider a cardiologist eval if we do surgery, she has recently developed a low grade murmur. Ultra sound is scheduled for Thursday, I wouldn't consider surgery without one.
  19. I am pretty sure I have decided what I am going to do, but would like to hear any thoughts anyone would like to share. Molly has a large tumor in her abdomen (@ softball) X-rays have confirmed the tumor and its location, and we are doing an ultra sound on Thursday to see what, if any organs are involved and anything else that might affect the decision. "Best" case, the tumor is either by itself or attached to the spleen with no other organs involved. In that case surgery is possible with a pretty good chance of complete recovery. If any other organs are involved, well, surgery is pointless. She has always been healthy before this, so if there is a good outcome from the ultra sound, I am inclined to risk the surgery. Any opinions, experiences, etc are welcome!
  20. Glad she is feeling better. One of the hardest things I had to learn was to be patient and watch rather than rushing off to the vet at the first little sign of something different
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