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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. It should, most things are good well past their exp. date and January wasn't that long ago.
  2. She lived a long happy life, but that just makes her absence hurt more I am so sorry
  3. I have never had the foot dragging problem with any of my seniors, but have some suggestions for the fish oil. You can try adding sardines, mackerel, or salmon to her food. Not as much benefit as the pure oil, but some help and she might tolerate it better. Also, I believe flax seed & flax seed oil has some of the same good stuff as fish oil, she might do ok with that.
  4. I am so sorry No, there is never enough time
  5. They say to put it on for thunder before the storm starts, but like this morning, storms weren't forecast and I was asleep, so I didn't get it on Conner until after he was shaking. I think it only took about 5 min. for him to stop shaking (seemed like a lot longer!) For SA, I think the reaction wouldn't start until you leave, so maybe 5-10 minutes before you go?
  6. I hope your dogs both heal up with no complications. I also hope the neighbor's cat heals, and this will convince her to KEEP HER CATS INSIDE! Ferals are bad enough, but most of them are dog savvy enough to avoid yards with dogs. I just hate it when people let their pet cats roam Sorry, rant over!
  7. more At this point you just take it day by day, and I hope there are many, many more good days for Spriet and Tibbie
  8. I am so sorry the impact they make on our lives lasts far longer than the too short time we have with them
  9. :candle it is so hard to see them get old you start to get the things that can't really be fixed
  10. The image of Loca on the dining room table was the first thing I thought of
  11. Since your dog has never shown any aggression to small dogs before, I would guess that the Frenchie's barking was the difference. Your grey probably thought, hmmm, my "brother" does not like this creature, I'd better check it out. I would not muzzle him, just be extra cautious around small fluffies from now on. Edited to add, one of my greys grabbed a small dog that got into my backyard somehow, so I understand how scary it can be!
  12. I am so sorry losing your first one is always just a little harder, I think
  13. How sad for everyone This brought back horrible memories of how I lost Charley last year, but at least I got to have her for almost a year
  14. Might depend on where you live, but probably she will be fine.
  15. Some greys just have a stockier build than others, looks like Wiley might be one of those, so he will never have the classic greyhound silhouette. Doesn't mean he is chubby, although the stocky ones are harder to judge by eye. Brindles are harder to see as well. I would say, if you think he needs to lose a few pounds go ahead and cut back on his food a little, but don't obsess, he looks fine I am doing the same with Conner, just want him a little lighter.
  16. I've had a couple of dogs that did a lot of excited jumping around and as they got older, this sometimes led to the "Bambi on ice". I am sure it is very painful, but not usually serious. It could lead to a serious fall, though, so I would second getting some rubber backed throw rugs for the door and any other area where your younger boy jumps around and might knock her over.
  17. Second (third?) the turn your back and ignore him.
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