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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Yeah, Healthy Paws not Pets The main reason I have not gotten insurance now is that I have two senior dogs and two very senior cats, the cats having pre-existing conditions, so probably not feasible.
  2. Most of the costs for my older dogs have been fairly small, but often ongoing things (meds, acupuncture) I am sure they add up to quite a bit over time, but I have chosen not to add them up I did end up spending around $8000 for Molly's surgery, but most of that was the 3 day stay at the ER vet and all the blood transfusions she had. Blood products are expensive! I was soured on insurance by VPI, but I have heard such good things about Healthy Pets I am reconsidering.
  3. That sounds like a good update, lots of progress in the right direction! I hope in another mother he will be back to his old self!
  4. I hope the tumor and lesions turn out to be benign If not, my only advice about the chemo is to be sure he has recovered from the surgery before you start. Most dogs do very well with chemo, but my Molly had a difficult surgery and the chemo on top was just too much for her. I stopped it after one dose, knowing that it would shorten her time, but I wanted the time she had left to be as comfortable as possible. Again, her reaction to the chemo was not typical!
  5. I've had dentals done that ranged from routine cleaning to 22 teeth extracted , the dogs never had a problem. Me, on the other hand, I am always a nervous wreck
  6. Oh no, not the lovely Miss Sheana I am so very sorry
  7. I can't imagine eating it, even if it was OK for for people But, I don't eat menudo either! Those are good prices.
  8. True that ethnic markets have all kinds of interesting cuts, and usually at good prices! I thought green tripe was graded "not for human consumption" but who knows what some of those carnecerias carry
  9. If you can, try feeding more smaller meals, and enhance them with stinky stuff like shaky cheese, sardines, green tripe. That may get him eating more of his regular food, without risking high fat stuff. Congratulations on having an almost 14 yr old
  10. Yes, if people can eat it, dogs can certainly eat it (meat, that is) The only thing to be aware of with chicken and turkey is they often add some % of saline solution and some dogs don't do well with this, but many dogs do just fine.
  11. I am so sorry the spooks are always more challenging, and worth every second for the rewards they give you.
  12. I am so sorry it is just a littler harder when their spirit still wants to fight, but their body fails them
  13. Good reminder. For all their paper thin skin, thin fur, and no protective layer of fat (all of which the lab had) these guys play rough! Glad no one was hurt.
  14. I used the 2Hounds no pull harness on Fletcher (90lbs, very leash aggressive) and a leash with a "handle", a short loop so I could keep him close to my body. I felt the combination gave me better control without risking him hurting his neck, because he would twist and pull with just a collar and leash. He also did not like being grabbed by the collar when he was riled up. in the situation you described, I would also muzzle, at least until I got out of the building, for extra safety.
  15. I am so sorry what a gift to have been able to spend so much time with her
  16. So glad to see how great he is doing!
  17. :pepper being home is the best recovery he could have!
  18. He looks fantastic! I am sure you are glad to have him home
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