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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. Our sweet neighbor the landscape architect (hence her super green thumb) just brought over these flowers. She said she'd just been thinking about us since she found out about Willa a few weeks ago. What timing. I think it's a Sweep sign.
  2. Happy birthday, Sweep. We love you and miss you always. You'd be so proud of Willa's developing roaching skills. I hope you are giving Richard a little payback up there, but only a little. (from birthday #11 in 2020)
  3. A beautiful tribute to your handsome boy. How could I have forgotten Buddy taking his dad for a spin on the beach? What a character. Thank you for sharing him with us. Sending big hugs across the ocean.
  4. I totally understand how you feel. A leg break was our first sign with Sweep also, and I know all too well the fear of it happening again since I have littermates and one has osteo. But I'm sure you'd agree that the good times outweigh the bad, and we have to "be more dog" and live in the moment with them. I hope you can adopt Claudia to help heal both your heart and Doxie's—and we'll need photos if you do!
  5. Oh, Ellen, I'm so sorry. I was afraid of this when you didn't update. I am heartbroken for you. Please know you and Dan did everything you could for Buddy, and then some—no wonder he didn't want to leave you! We will miss him here so much and fondly remember his sweet senior romping in the garden. Rest well, Buddy. You were such a good boy.
  6. Unfortunately, I don't think they know. Dr. Couto sends out the attached PDF when you do a consultation with him. The prevalence of osteosarcoma in racing greyhounds could be down to genetics or the repetitive stress on their joints, or some combination thereof. There are many greyhounds who flunk out of racing and still get osteo, just as there are many who had long racing careers and don't get it. It seems like a total crapshoot. There *is* evidence of old injuries becoming arthritic, and I can attest to that from personal experience with my first hound. In your position I'd probably adopt the new girl (we'll all enable you here!) and start her on a good joint supplement asap. I'm sorry for your losses. Having lost my first girl to osteo in 2022 and now dealing with it in a five-year-old, I hate this disease with every fiber of my being. Keep us posted on how it goes with Doxie—and hopefully her new friend. OSA HandoutOwners.pdf
  7. First, congrats on your boy. I love his name! Did the foster walk him or just let him out into a fenced yard? Regardless, time will indeed heal. Doolin was the same way and he has made great strides, but it took a few months. In the first week Squid was probably in shock and just on autopilot, but now he's realizing his world has changed for good. Search the forum for "freezing" and "statuing" and you'll find this is quite common as well as many tips for managing it. Time, consistency, and patience are key. And lots of praise when he's a brave boy!
  8. Oh, Buddy, there's a good boy. Keep embarrassing your mom. (Whom I'm sending to plusalso a virtual gas mask, which I could have used last night. Willllllla!)
  9. Sweep never outgrew her sleep startle and actually got a little worse as she aged in terms of not wanting us to pet her on her bed. For the first several years with us, she got regular massages in her bed but in the last couple she would snark at us once she'd had enough. She was as affectionate as can be when upright—a leaner and a chatterer and all around sweetheart—but I'm glad she never tried to get on the furniture because that would have been a difficult negotiation. You're brave to allow Ark on the bed, but if he has never drawn blood, then at least he's showing appropriate bite inhibition. It sounds like the other incidents were warning snaps as opposed to real bites intending harm or even indications of "aggression issues"—he's letting you know he's uncomfortable with something you're doing in the only language he has. As long as you're heeding those warnings and you have a system that you're both comfortable with, I say carry on unless it escalates.
  10. Hope Buddy continues to rally. I'm a big fan and need him to stick around and make you out to be a drama queen for a good while yet!
  11. Everything's fine! Chest and leg rads are clear; her oncologist said she doesn't even have much arthritis, so the leg lifting is probably just the old soft tissue injury and/or her Speshul Willa Gait™. I can't tell you how relieved I am, and how happy I am that they finished so quickly. I was so nervous when they called this early. Usually we drop her off at 8 and don't hear anything until lunchtime. PHEW. Thank you all for baknforfing for us!
  12. Now there's a silver lining! Or a way to polish that turd? Oh dear, this has devolved. Hope the meds do the trick riteawaykwik and Buds will be eating like a champ for you!
  13. Please send us good vibes for Willa's chemo #3 tomorrow. She's been full of energy and happy happy, but I'm always nervous about x-rays. She has been lifting her back right leg (same side as the amp) a little when she picks up speed, which I suspect is partly her new gait and partly her old racing injury that's always made her stiff back there, but you know how easy it is to imagine the worst case. We're going to have that x-rayed too for safety's sake. I'll just be over here doing this until they call and let us know everything's fine. Because everything's going to be fine, right?
  14. Besties! So sweet. Mine have always merely tolerated each other.
  15. Kerry. I so wish Pippin had had the same outcome as Willa (to be fair, I wish they both hadn't gotten the cancer in the first place!). Everything about this disease is such a crapshoot, which just makes it all the more unfair and stressful. Every time we get x-rays my heart's in my throat again (we're due for rads this Wednesday at chemo #3, ugh), but however long we get with Willa, these are good days and I'll treasure them. I'm glad she can make you smile, even through your tears. And I can't wait to see who you bring home next...
  16. You come see us any time, Gracie! I told Miss Jan I think they added a few more beans when they took the leg. Or maybe beans are being injected with the chemo. This girl has been 100% Wild Willa again. Barking to wake us up bc she is bored, chasing squirrels with her brother (who did indeed receive lots of kisses, which is nothing new ), and ripping out rug fringe when she can't reach a toy. It's been so wonderful to see after our summer from hell.
  17. Buddy, Willa says milk this for all it's worth! Hold out for the really good stuff. I hope you feel better soon.
  18. Willa having a case of the Saturday Sillies. With a bonus boop from Doolin.
  19. Yep, it's 88 here today (I'm sure it's worse there!). Not exactly soup and sweater weather.
  20. AnnIE, you've got this. Just think of all the attention and extra scritchies you will get!
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