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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. Taylor had another good checkup today with Dr. Sones and his wonderful staff at the Melbourne, Florida office of the Animal Cancer Care Clinic. 2 years and 1 months after diagnosis of Osteosarcoma, and 22 months after amputation. He's a happy boy.
  2. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet boy.
  3. I have been using both of those products for a year and a half.
  4. Taylor had an excellent 4 week checkup today with his oncologist. Blood work is fine. Physical exam was fine. The protocol for his Hypertrophic Osteopathy, found 4 weeks ago, seems to be working just fine. He's a happy boy. 2 years and 2 weeks after diagnosis for Osteo in his right front wrist. 21 months and 2 weeks after amputation. He runs and leaps in the back yard, and loves and demands his rides and walks 2-3 times a day.
  5. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet boy.
  6. A Tractor Supply nearby? They are pretty pet friendly. We've never been turned away at a Lowe's, Home Depot, Staples, Office Depot, and dozens of other stores. Any place without food for sale is always a possibility. Never hurts to walk in. Worst thing they will do is ask you to leave.
  7. TWO years ago, my now 8 year old big boy Taylor was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his right front wrist. Last night, at midnight, he and Face were running around the back yard, leaping like gazelles. Taylor is a happy hound. He is a miracle hound. He continues to do what he has been doing for 5 years. Demanding rides and walks every day. Loves meeting people and getting hugs.
  8. We have been in every kind of store, pretty much as long as there isn't food in there. Some places even with food. Suggestions: Staples, Office Depot, Big Lots, Kohl's, Macy's, JC Penney, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, auto parts stores, pet stores, all kinds of small stores with enough room to move around.
  9. Does she like going out for a ride? Is she OK being out in public? If so.........go "shopping" at Lowe's or Home Depot or Tractor Supply. Up and down the aisles. All around the store. I've been doing that for 5 years in Florida. Either when it is too hot to walk outside, or if it is raining. Plenty of the places let dogs in (even my two 90 pound big boys). We even buy something once in a while, LOL.
  10. As you can see, Taylor seems to be tolerating the medications. His legs are cooler, the swelling is down, and he is running and trotting and walking and sniffing in the back yard. This morning, we drove to the beach, and went walking for 15 minutes. Back home for breakfast. His appetite is back to normal. He now LOVES FreshPets that comes in a tube. 5 minutes later, he and Face were dancing around the house with helicopter tails, and barking at me. It was time for a WALK!!!
  11. Taylor is feeling so much better, 2 days after starting the Previcox for inflammation and pain. He was back at the vet this morning to get that IV of the Zoledronate pain medication that can be given every 4 weeks. His temperature is back to normal, his legs are not warm anymore, and the inflammation is down. He is walking well and eating well again. It was in the low 50's this morning when they went out at 7:00 AM, and Taylor and Face were running around together.
  12. Taylor, who is 8 years old and 86 pounds, was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his right front wrist almost 2 years ago, on January 10, 2015. He started out treatment immediately with his oncologist. He had radiation, Zoledronate infusion, and Carboplatin chemo. But the bone was deteriorating, and he had his leg amputated almost 1 year and 9 months ago on April 10, 2015, and then finished up the last 2 monthly rounds of Carboplatin. Starting 3 weeks after surgery, he and Face (my other greyhound) and I were out and about every single day. He ran around the back yard, spinning and leaping. Taylor loved and demanded rides and walks 2-3 times a day, and we would see hundreds and hundreds of people all over. ​Everyone always asks what happened, and then he would get all kinds of attention and hugs and kisses on his head. He would stand there like a pony, 3 legged, loving it. 3 weeks ago, Taylor started walking very slowly in the back yard. No more trotting or running. Panting hard as he walked, but when he would come back into the house and lay down, he was OK. It was getting worse, and a week ago Tuesday, he had chest x-rays and blood work. Blood work, done every 4-6 weeks, was all fine, and within greyhound range. The chest x-rays, done every 2-3 months, showed that the 2 nodules in his lungs that we found 6 months ago had grown, another one had shown up, but they weren't anywhere big enough to cause any breathing problems. He had been taking Palladia chemo pills, 3 times a week, for 6 months to slow down the usually inevitable growth of nodules in the lungs. That's where Osteo usually comes back. A week ago Wednesday, he had an abdominal ultrasound. All organs looked fine. No signs of cancer anywhere. But he was still acting like he was in pain. Sunday, he started having a very hard time laying down. Started him on Gabapentin, 300 mg, twice a day for pain. This past Monday evening, his legs felt warm. Tuesday morning they were warm and there was swelling. His appetite was really reduced the past few weeks, and over this past weekend, he wouldn't touch any of the 6 or 7 types of canned dog food. He was eating jars of baby food, chicken and gravy, or beef or turkey with gravy, and sliced turkey or roast beef. Yesterday morning, Wednesday, we were back at the oncologist at 8:30 AM. X-rays confirmed that he has a rare condition called Hypertrophic Osteopathy. That is increased density of the periosteum which is the membrane that covers the bones in the legs It is believed to be caused by cancerous lung nodules. That would explain the warmth, the swelling, and the lack of appetite and the pain walking. He also had a temperature of 104.3, not caused by infection, but by the condition. He started taking Previcox, an anti-inflammatory and pain medication, and in one day, he is moving around a LOT better. His appetite has returned, and he can lay down easily. Tomorrow morning, he will get an infusion of Zoledronate, which can be given every 3-4 weeks and helps control pain. There is no cure for this condition. It is progressive. There will be a point where the amount of pain medication that he needs will not allow him to function. Especially hard with a 3 legged dog. So, the plan continues as it has for the past 2 years. Keep him comfortable and happy. My promise to him 5 years ago when I adopted him, my first greyhound: I would always take care of him. Give him a good quality of life. When that can't be done anymore, I will help him cross the Rainbow Bridge, at home. Don't know if that will be in a few weeks, or a couple of months.
  13. Taylor, with Embrace, paid out $13,500.00 over 2 years, covering 80% of all of his Osteo care, at a premium cost of $1000.00 for the 2 years. I would have reimbursement checks within 2 weeks of submitting a claim, every single time. Dozens and dozens of claims.
  14. Anyone have a good probiotic to suggest?
  15. They did a float, too, and that was negative. I was just wondering what the results mean.
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