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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a wonderful pup.
  2. Ruby is SUPER picky too, and she will not eat peanut butter. When Ruby had stomach issues a year or so ago, I boiled rice forever and some chicken, and then mashed up a dog vitamin (Dr. Foster and Smith) and she hoovered it down. She also had trouble with the Pepcid.
  3. So heartbreaking reading all of these names. God Bless them all
  4. We don't leave her outside for extended time, but she also has a heated dog bed in a dog house where she is toasty warm any time we do leave her out there. Yesterday I told her "stop" each time, and then ignored her. We went through this several times. When she was whining prior to her dinner, I ignored her and fed her a bit later than normal, hoping she would get the hint that the whining gets her nothing. It just grates my every nerve to hear the whining. When she needs out to potty, she stands by the door wagging her tail, and if you are not in the room, she will come to see you, which never happens otherwise. The whining is not her needing to go out.
  5. I will try whining back at her..........but I hate the thought of joining in. This morning she decided to try it out when I was getting dressed, so I put her outside. I am hoping that by putting her outside each time, she will get that it isn't working for her and stop. Wishful thinking.
  6. She gets lots and lots of positive attention, and lots of petting through out the day. She will whine if I am sitting near her, and my husband goes outside, or vice versa. It is like she learned to do it, and now won't stop. I yelled at her to STOP IT this afternoon, as she was letting out these little high pitched squeaks. Not a new habit that I enjoy. I play ball with her in the yard most days, and she goes for a couple of walks. Nothing in her routine has changed, except I was gone for a bit. Oh this is not good. She is 9 now, and I often wonder if dementia is getting the best of her, then she will snap out of it and act normal. Do yo do anything when she whines ? I find myself so irritated with her, and I don't want to start feeling like that.
  7. HA HA.........I haven't tried that yet, but she stops the second she knows she has your attention, so I don't think I could interrupt her whines with mine.
  8. For the last couple of months, Ruby has been whining off and on. It is these high pitched, short little whines. It started when I went to Hawaii and left her here with my husband. She now whines if anyone goes outside, if she thinks it's dinner time, if either one of us leaves the room, if she thinks I have slept a second too long, etc.... it is so ANNOYING !!!!! It irritates me to no end, as there is nothing wrong with her. She does not need to go potty, usually will not eat her dinner if I give it early, she just whines. This is not pain related. I find myself telling her to stop it, all day long. The last 2 days when she started this behavior an hour before dinner each night, I put her outside and let her wait until it was dinner time, then fed her. Will she get that she is being put out because she whined ? Is there something I can do to get this to stop ?
  9. Thank you !!!! I just called and they have moved her to another run, which is bigger, and said that her tail is closed today and you can barely see the cut. No more bleeding. Appreciate all of your help.
  10. My husband and I are in San Diego until Sunday, and today we received a call from the lady who runs the kennel where we left her. She called and said she had an "emergency", and then told me that Ruby has a small cut on her tail, that was dropping blood drops each time she hit it against the side of her pen. The pens are large, a regular kennel type. She said the cut was similar to a paper cut, and wanted to know what to do. I have not dealt with this before. She said she didn't think she needed a vet visit. I asked her if she could put some antibiotic ointment on it, and then wrap it in vet wrap. She said she would, and will call me tomorrow to let me know what it looks like. I know that "happy tail" can be very hard to get healed. Can anyone tell me what I should have her do ? Should Ruby go to the vet even if the area looks clean and dry tomorrow ? Are there any tricks to keep the bandaging on ? Any ointment I should ask them to use or not use ? cone of shame needed ? Any advice welcome. I hate being away when things like this happen. Thank you !
  11. Looks like you both lucked out. Congratulations !
  12. OH, This just makes me cringe. It does not look infected, but looks horribly painful. I think I would have it removed. Poor guy
  13. Ruby is 9 and is very healthy. She has always been a picky eater, but has never had any tummy issues except for one diarrhea blow out when the sitter fed her raw beef, which we knew she didn't tolerate. We were told she has a heart murmur, but then we were told she didn't. I normally take her in once a year for a yearly check up. She does have some anxiety when left alone, but that can happen to any dog. We have had her teeth cleaned once. She still does zoomies around the back yard, but they are fewer than when she was young. She has never had worms. I love her and she has not cost us nearly as much as some other dogs we have had. Just routine care. She also has never peed or pooped in the house, never. Perfect from the start. Good luck with your new pup.
  14. Turkey necks, brushing and using Petzlife spray helps Ruby. She had a dental a few months ago and did not lose any teeth. When I give twice weekly frozen turkey necks, her teeth stay great. I tend to forget them and then the plaque wins. She has some bleeding when I brush, but if I do it daily, the blood goes away after a week or so. I always feel like I am hurting her though.
  15. Godspeed Lucky............You were very loved
  16. I am so sorry it was time for Grandy to go. What a priceless gift your granddaughter made for you.
  17. Could she have a yeast infection ? Have you tried any probiotics on her ? anti fungal cream ? I know that yeast can wreck havoc on people, causing them to have a burning feeling and irritation. I have not followed her previous story, so maybe I am way off base on this.
  18. Awww, what beautiful pictures. I am so sorry for your loss.
  19. I am so sorry you are going through this with Nora. That must be awfully hard on the whole family. I have no advice, just sending along a hug.
  20. That seems like a lot of POOP !!! Mine poops twice a day, each time after eating. Maybe cut back on the BP and see if it helps.
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