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Everything posted by mychip1

  1. Thanks for sharing. I haven't switched him to raw -but may need to......
  2. Because I have another hound with Intestinal issues, I feed four small meals a day to all of them. reagan doesn't get the gurgles like that hound. But the other dog definately benefits from the extra meals.
  3. Thanks, Jen! Bev...that's how it is here....yes...it's a competition as to who will grab what first.... and the feces thing is a challenge in the yard! Given Dustn's IBD, we have metronidiazole around here all the time. I'll watch for diarrhea or blood.
  4. Thanks so much for the responses....I feel better that I have direction as to why he's so skinny...
  5. Yes...don't give up on the breed....you are correct that most are low maintenance....but, yes, SA can be an issue because of their social upbringing. My first one was the easiest going, perfect dog....
  6. Thanks, Beverly. I saw you pop up in an older post when I searched EPI...so happy to hear from you. Thanks for the input. The ravenous behavior is unbelievable. He pulls things off counters...like coffee cups, bottles of olive oil, etc. he eats everything....plastic, paper, etc...I have to lock everything up...I'm terrified he will eat something toxic. I saw the raw pancreas option....I wondered how tough that would be to do....lol Did your dog live a healthy full life?
  7. Hi All, My Reagan is highly symptomatic of EPI. An ultrasound at Tufts showed inconclusive for reasons for excessive wait loss, constant elimination of yellow colored stools, and a ravenous appetite with traits of Pica. I had a GI panel done that read totally normal along with his blood work. Rather than having another blood panel done for EPI, I spoke with my vet about treating for it regardless as the symptoms were pretty telling - and treatment, while expensive, couldn't hurt him. The time to get him there with my work schedule, wait for results, and order meds would be far longer - and, frankly, to spend several hundred more on a blood panel didn't seem worth it. Anyone have experience with this?
  8. As for the poop schedule being messed up...don't worry. Remember also, that he might get soft stool or a little diarrhea from food changes. Also - I am a big fan of harnesses in addition to collars. New greyhounds can get scared on a leash and can slip collars easily - as I learned once. The harness is a great backup. When I walk mine, it's with two leashes each...one to a collar and one to a harness. If I had to use only one, I would suggest the harness as long as he isn't a dog who pulls a lot. Oh...and mine love to pick their own toys at the store!
  9. Some of my hounds just have not liked other dogs.....
  10. He's beautiful. Stick with it! All of the above suggestions are great.... Be sure the muzzle you get is similar to what would have been used in the kennel. He is used to that and they are safe. I use them any time I am in doubt to protect all involved (cats, little dogs, or humans) depending on my hounds.
  11. Hardest decision. How is his appetite? Do his eyes brighten when he wants to eat? Usually, there is a tired look that comes over their eyes when they've had enough. Prayers to you.
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost a five year old unexpectedly and was a mess.....I brought two new hounds into my life and they helped heal me. I never got over his loss, but they reminded me of the joy of having hounds in our lives....and as a friend said, my Jack would have wanted other dogs to find happiness, too.
  13. What gorgeous huge eyes.....with incredible eyeliner to define them!
  14. Oh, I never knew that about Iker! Poor baby!
  15. Just echoing what others have said! Don't beat yourself up.....we've all had our moments..... My JJ is hoping to see you back in the club!
  16. What a lovely tribute to a sweet soul.....he was so blessed to have had the love you gave him for his last six months....
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