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Everything posted by mychip1

  1. I keep asking over and over what I could have done - and I am beating myself up for worrying so much about the corn. I had been working on it for several months - but it wasn't going away - yet....he could have lived with it. My problem was that he LOVED to walk - and it certainly compromised that. And then I tell myself that eventually those teeth were going to need to be done - and I would have faced the problem then....still, the "what-if's" loom large.
  2. Thanks....No....he did not have pre-op antibiotics. Something else to consider. Thank you so much for your support.
  3. Before my Greys, I had a sweet Beagle - who was a ball of energy. She would leap off the stairs onto the wood floors and splay......One day I came home and she was all hunched and howling in pain. I couldn't even touch her belly - thought she had something internal going on. Turns our it was a disc - and steroids and anti-inflamatories did the trick.... Very happy for you that it appears to be something like this!! Best of luck for continued recovery.
  4. Best of luck for a full recovery. What a scary event. I have made a concsious effort with all of my older animals, i.e. dogs, cats, horses, to limit the number of vaccines - but it is such a tough call - particularly with the legal implications of rabies - God forbid they should end up in quarantine - but when you hear about something like this, I can't help but re-think.
  5. Your Jamie is a beautiful boy - Congratulations on fighting the good fight. He is lucky to have a family like you to stand by his side through his battle.
  6. I'm sorry for your loss. He, too, had blood in his eyes - and we all commented on how cold his feet were. Oh my goodness, that sounds exactly like my Fred! The cold feet were what gave the blood clot idea away to the two other vets who I spoke to about my cat. I'm so sorry for your loss, there is really nothing that could have been done to prevent it or help it once it happened. Thank you so much for the insight. Given that he woke up seemingly fine and with no fever, I am inclined to think that this is what might have happened.
  7. I'm sorry for your loss. He, too, had blood in his eyes - and we all commented on how cold his feet were.
  8. That is exactly how I feel. Physically and mentally beaten up......
  9. No....not an offspring. Interesting point on genetics. I have found the woman who adopted his Mom and Grandfather and she did not know of anything - but you never know when you go one or two generations back.
  10. Thank you so much and I am so sorry for your loss....yes...maybe they are running through big fields - Jack most likely with one of my high-heel dress shoes in his mouth - as he would steal them from me so I couldn't run out for work! We have another older boy, EZ, who is 10, but he lives with my husband who is in the military and stationed in New York. They are home this week - and having a dog in the house helps. Yes...the emptiness is terrible.
  11. Hi Melanie, I have been in touch with Meredith through a mutual friend. She, too, has been wonderful. Thanks for the support. I have not been able to function normally since that day. I finally got back into my bed this past Sunday night for the first time - as Jack always slept there with me. Please give Peyton a big hug.
  12. Last week I took my boy Jack in for minor surgery - (corn removal and dentistry). The doctor who did the work (a wonderful woman) was a track vet and had actually neutered him prior to my adopting him two years ago - so she knew him. He woke up fine and active - but within an hour got very groggy and within another half-hour or so had massive bruises all over his body - along with vivid red skin inside of his ears and anywhere else you could see his skin. He fought for over 18 hours - and showed responsiveness in his eyes, but could not move his body. He eventually lost his battle when he went from having a normal temperature (which was fine when he first awoke as well) to spiking a fever over 108 and eventually convulsing. It was a horrible course of events - particularly given that he woke up fine. Has anyone else faced this experience? Some people including a nurse anesthetist that I know said perhaps he threw a blood clot. He was just shy of his sixth birthday - my baby boy. Just curious if anyone else has experienced anything similar.
  13. has not set their status

  14. Please add my boy Jack who died this past Saturday from complications from anesthesia. Thank you. Robin
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