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Everything posted by Potomacpupsmom

  1. Glad you had success, but just be very careful. I would be afraid of perforating his colon!
  2. Treasure every day with her. You are very fortunate to share her life for so long!
  3. Hi Soy! Welcome to Greytalk! This is a wonderful place to come and get information about health issues for your grey. Go ahead and post your questions in Health and Medical forum of GT and you will find lots ob people willing to help you!
  4. Thank you, that is lovely. Its been seven weeks as well for us since Breeze's death, and it still is painful. We miss her.
  5. One of our three has sleep startle. She also raced longer than the other two. She was getting much better and then in October we went on vacation and there were other greys at our sitters house, and she started all over again, but she was also snarky towards them when she was awake. She hasn't done either since she's been home though.
  6. I am so sorry that your beautiful Mac is gone. Run free Mac!
  7. I vote for MyCanvas. Their quality has been really good and Walmart's quality is unknown. (Plus not all of us are close to a Walmart).
  8. I am so sorry you lost your boy. Now he is pain free and running in the sunshine.
  9. Anne, I am so sorry to hear about Spriet. You gave her the ultimate gift and she will always be with you.
  10. I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to Pippin. You gave him a wonderful life and a selfless final gift. Run Free Pippin!
  11. This is the hardest post I have ever written. Our beautiful girl Breeze, went to the Rainbow Bridge last weekend. Breeze was our first greyhound, and she taught us so much! She was patient, elegant and such a gentle soul. We adopted her after my husband retired, and the two of them had many adventures on their walks together. She loved exploring new places and she was always ready to go when the leash came out! She was so beautiful, with her pale brindle coat, and received many admiring glances from people due to her unusual coloring. She introduced us to a whole new world, and new friends, both in person and online. She loved going to playgroup every Saturday morning with her friends, and made friends everywhere she went. When we adopted her younger sister Beka, Breeze was so patient with her and taught her how to do stairs and play-bowed to her every morning before breakfast as they chased each other around the dining room. She loved life and we loved her. We celebrated her 13th birthday at the end of September with liver brownies and she loved them! Breeze started showing symptoms of spinal arthritis last year, and we kept it at bay with medication. Then in July of this year, she started having vision problems. She would bump into signposts and fire hydrants, and became very wary of the stairs. We took her to her vet, who said she did not have cataracts and referred us to an ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist told us that her eyes were normal so it must be something in her brain. We took her to a neurologist who did an MRI which showed that she had a brain tumor, right on her optic chiasm, which eventually robbed her of her vision completely. We built a ramp for her off of the deck so she would not have to do stairs anymore. But what eventually made things worse for her was her spinal arthritis, and she was experiencing more and more pain. Eventually she was having extreme difficulty walking and getting up from her bed. We had to increase her pain medication and ultimately realized that nothing else was going to help her. Our wonderful vet came to the house to set her free to the Rainbow Bridge on her favorite bed with Mommy, Daddy and her sisters at her side. Here are some of my favorite pictures of our beautiful girl: With her toys: At the Jersey Shore: And with her healing blanket sent to her from Carol and Joy: Run free my beautiful girl! Now you have your vision back and are pain free at the Bridge. We love you and you are forever in our hearts!
  12. Such a beautiful tribute Alicia! Many to you for giving him such a wonderful life!
  13. We don't have a fenced-in yard either, and going for a walk is such a joyful time for our greys. They look around and sniff and also learn to approach others (dog and human) with curiosity and respect. It is a wonderful bonding time for us with them as well. I agree with Susan that dogs without fenced yards probably get more exercise than those whose homes have a fenced yard. A tired greyhound is a good greyhound! It also provides excellent daily exercise for the humans.
  14. Oh Alicia, I am so sorry. Just enjoy every day with him as a gift, and make him as happy as possible.
  15. I just bought reusable washable incontinence pads for Breeze. I got them from Allegro Medical and they were on sale for $3.99 each. I wash them when soiled - they come out great in the wash! http://www.allegromedical.com/incontinence-c525/reusable-bedpads-p563572.html I just tried the link and realized that it didn't work. Go to the Allegro website and search "Becks Reusable bed pads". They come in 24X36 and 36X52in sizes.
  16. Hello and welcome from Maryland. Your hounds are beautiful!
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