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Everything posted by Potomacpupsmom

  1. Oh Merc! Thank you soooooo much! That is a beautimous Valentine song! Plusalso wif pikkies! You are sooo creatibe too! I lubs you! Wif lubs and kisses, Ivy
  2. I am so sorry your wonderful boy had to go to the Bridge. Run Free Burdette!
  3. They look like they are having such a great time!
  4. Great pictures! It's obvious that they enjoy chasing and playing together!
  5. Happy belated Gotcha Day Petunia! At least you got your treat on time, but a late post is shameful.
  6. I am so sorry that Mr Spock had to go to the Rainbow Bridge. He was a handsome boy! Run Free Mr Spock!
  7. I remember when Nigel joined your family! He was such a wonderful therapy dog and I've always enjoyed hearing the stories of his experiences and how he contributed to the happiness of others. Run Free Nigel!
  8. He was such a wonderful boy! We will miss him in the Club. Sending hugs.
  9. Your boy is so handsome. I hope he is doing well in your home now!
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