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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. We have the squeaky belly don’t want to eat issue here too, only occasionally and not as severe as what you’re dealing with. We are also battling hookworms, and I assume your girl is too. I think all greyhounds have them these days. I second the suggestion to let her eat grass, it seems to help Wiki and doesn’t cause any other problems. I’ve also had some success with GasX (simethicone). Poor girl, she’ll feel better if she eats something. You’ve tried all the good stuff so my only other suggestion is to change how it’s presented – offer wet food on a spoon or paper plate.
  2. Congratulations to all of you! for those Dodge Em By Design kids. As a resident of WI, I'm very, very glad that you changed her name.
  3. Annie! I think she and Wiki would be very good friends.
  4. I guess Wiki is a member of the Boss Lady Hound club.
  5. Yay Sweep! You're looking great! I'm so glad she's had a good recovery.
  6. No problem here, just wondering if this is common or if I’ve got a weirdo. Wiki does fake pees. Like assumes the position but nothing comes out. I’m 99% confident it’s not medical. She is a serious pee marker and sometimes when we are out walking it’s like she thinks she wants to leave her mark but then changes her mind. She’s not empty, there’s more a couple houses later. She fakes me out in the yard too. She knows what “go pee” means and that at bed time and first thing in the morning she’s not getting back in the house until she goes. So she pretends. It was easy to tell in the winter and now if she’s somewhere where there’s no grass. I think she just wants to get back in to get her breakfast or bedtime biscuits because if I send her back out she’ll go a normal amount. She’s a smart girl, the best I’ve seen at figuring stuff out. Anybody else got a pee faker?
  7. What an amazing place to walk! And Peggy is beautiful!
  8. Dogs are weird! He could very likely get over it in a couple days. For now it sounds like you are doing everything right. Is he eating from the feeder? Put some water in with his food, it will keep him hydrated and slow him down. My first greyhound stopped eating from her feeder after using it for years. Nothing traumatic happened and she drank from the feeder with no issues. Dogs are weird.
  9. What a cute, fuzzy guy! He looks like a baby. Congratulations!
  10. Poor Sweep. But it really is your own fault. I'm glad she's feeling good enough to make some trouble. I'll add frilled lizard to the list of look alikes. And I sympathize, I too have a boss who keeps me on the phone for too long.
  11. No relatives here, but he's a handsome guy! Hope it works out!
  12. Greyhounds are such weird dogs; they can either curl up into a tiny little ball or stretch out so very loooongggg.
  13. I am so sorry you had to say good bye to Miss Kate! You gave her a wonderful life at Camp Broodie. She will live on in your memories.
  14. Way to go Sweep! Elevating an injury is always helpful. What a great tent you've got! I can see Wiki's hardware. I was told she had a hock break so I had a big OMG what's wrong with her leg moment until I figured out it was a hunk of metal.
  15. Our girls seem to have lots of connections. Although this one isn't as fun as hole-peeing-snoot-shovelers. I don't think Wiki's was a racing injury, she came in 4th in her last race and there are no notes about a fall or anything, but I don't know when or how it happened. Knowing how Sweep's similar injury happened is helpful. She does run like a nut and makes really tight turns so it seems plausible that's what happened to her too.
  16. I'm glad she's home and eating something. That's right where Wiki's hardware is too and it doesn't slow her down at all. They can be metal leg twins!
  17. I'm so glad to hear that surgery went well and Sweep is going home! Sending good thoughts for an uneventful recovery.
  18. Oh, poor Sweep! And her folks! I'll be sending all my good thoughts for a good outcome and easy recovery. Wiki says having a metal leg won't slow you down at all.
  19. Awww, poor Daisy, and poor you too, you've all been through a lot! A painful mouth, even if it's resolved now, might have scared her off eating. It sounds like you are doing the best that you can for now. My one trick is to change the feeding vessel. Food that Lila rejected in her bowl was eaten eagerly off a paper plate. I know how hard food issues can be and the stress and anxiety around feeling like you are spending all of your time trying to feed the dog. Hang in there!
  20. Well, duh, they are furry. Anything furry is for dogs. Annie does look a bit like the Black Bandit....
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