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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I would just watch him personally. When s clients dog ate a mechanical pencil, they did x rays and nothing else. I'd imagine wood is less harmful.
  2. I agree with everyone else. As for sit and down, I captured them with Sailor. When he would sit on the way to a down, I'd click. (he needed to know what the click meant already) after awhile, he'd sit just to get the click and treat. Same thing with down.
  3. Sailor has some if thesame issues on class. I find that getting there early and just throwing treats around the room for him to chart and eat helps a bit south his comfort level. I also make sure we're in a corner since things going on behind him distract him.
  4. I leave my 2 loose, but muzzled in the house with 2 cats. I generally don't have to take things out of their mouths because a quick "no" makes them drop anything l like a hot potato. When I do need to take things out of their mouths, I can easily go wrist drop down their throats and they don't fight me. I can take them more places than I'd ever be able to take any other dog because they walk perfectly on leash, stand by my side patiently when I stop and are quiet and calm. Even friends who don't particularly like dogs, invite my dogs over. When my dad died, there were easily over 50 people at the house every day for Shivah. Bu was the perfect gentleman. Once there were about 20 or so people in the house, he would go lay on his bed in the family room until the house cleared out some. Some of these guys do have issues, but many do not. They can take a little while to settle in, but once they do, they are the best dogs.
  5. Cross training is a little bit of everything. Heres the link. http://tailsuwin.com/pages/classes_canine_cross_training.htm My boys are both 6 so I have no intention of competing. Sailor needed some major confidence and training has helped and he enjoys it, so we'll continue to do training. Of course hes terrified of the tunnel, but I don't care. I'll just have him do everything else. As long as we have fun. Bu also seems to enjoy training and loves watching dogs do agility, so I want him to give it a try.
  6. I'm going to start with my 2 soon. Bu has finished basic obedience. Sailor has finished basic and a more advanced obedience class plus hes in a cross training class right now that includes a little but of lots of different sports.
  7. It's never to early to start at home. As for classes, it depends on the dog. I tried classes with Bu when I'd had him for 6 months and it was much much to soon for him. A more confident dog would probably have been fine.
  8. What time do you feed dinner? Can you try feeding about an hour before bed? Thats what I do with my fosters and by day 2 or 3 they easily sleep until 10 or later. The foster that started that habit was just like Dakota. I started feeding dinner later and because I knew he didn't actually have to go out, I brought a water bottle to bed and would give a quick spray when he started whining for food in the morning. He learned quickly.
  9. Sailor fell through ice today into a pond chasing a lab (water was only a foot deep). He was tripoding, but made no noise or anything. I checked him for anything major, but didn't see anything. When we got home I found a nice wound on his leg. He also broke his dew claw toe once and I only found it by coincidence when bandaging his ripped webbing. And I only found the ripped webbing because he left a bloody path in his wake. So yes, they can be pretty stoic. As to why, I have a couple ideas, but who really knows?
  10. Mine had the same problem. Hes on salmon based food more and doing great. I'm very careful to avoid chicken in everything. But, whats right for him may not be right for your guy.
  11. I would just go straight onto the new foods with nothing added. On the first day or 2 feed 1/2- 3/4 the recommended amount. (this way if theres diarrhea, theres less of it.) The poop will probably be poise for a few days no matter what since moving is stressful for the pups. Don't worry overly much. My fosters are straight off the track and have some soft poop and the cold turkey transition isn't a problem.
  12. I feed the Costco version with success. It's almost identical to TOTW pacific stream.
  13. I've given these before and the dogs like then and do well on them. I but the size smaller than what they recommend for weight because hounds have smaller mouths.
  14. Thats it!, thanks. Some of the tripe comes in large pieces. I've never seen the sticks that this topic is about, so I wasn't sure, but I love this place. I wish they still shipped to the US. The rabbit ears, sardines, and especially the beef snouts and ox tails are great.
  15. Dehydratedlivertreats.com has dried green tripe. They are based in Canada and unfortunately only ship to Canada. But, if you know someone in Canada maybe you can get it shipped there and sent to you. They are fabulous. Not cheap, but really good quality.
  16. I will be happy to give him lots of rubs for you. Would you be willing to ask the men at the kennel if Bart was afraid or wary of them when they first met and then warmed up to them? Maybe hes more comfortable in a familiar place. I will slow down with him. I'll try to take him some places and tell all men to ignore him for now. He did go up to a couple men who wanted nothing to do with him and sniffed them. So ignoring may be key here. Hes just so darn cute everyone wants to love on him.
  17. Thats him! What was he like in the kennel? Was he as wonderful there as he is here? Hes really perfect. My boy Sailor was like this too, so I've been through this. I was just hoping for some tricks to speed things up since I want him to get adopted. I'm single, so no men calling regularly. I can see what I can do. I have found that if someone is walking a dog, he warms up to them much quicker. Last week I dropped him off say a friends for a few hours and he did fantastic with her and her grown daughter and their 2 greyhounds. He also did ok, not great, but ok with the female vet and vet techs, but didn't like the male vet tech. I'm just really glad hes not fear aggressive.
  18. I got a foster, Bart, a week and a half ago. He is just about perfect. Sweet, gentle, affectionate, playful, no resource or space aggression. Hes also good with cats and dogs. The problem is hes afraid of strangers, but men especially. My goal is to just expose him to as many men as possible. He is scared enough that he won't take food when men are even close by. I have had men pet him, but he is a mess the whole time. Is there anything else I can do to help him deal with his fears?
  19. Could he have a urinary infection? Or could he be upset the gf is gone?
  20. I use Zukes, buddy biscuits that I break into about 5 pieces each, dried anchovies, dried tripe, Stella and Chewy dehydrated meals and treats broken up, string cheese, peanut butter in a baby jar that they lick out of and other goodies.
  21. Any dog would be fine. The only one with a crazy schedule in your house is your husband. I'm a pet sitter and live alone. Bu's first summer with me, we only slept at home for 2 nights in over 3 months because of work and he did fine. He either slept at work with me or at my parents.
  22. I let my fosters sleep on a dog bed loose in my room. They settle down pretty quickly for me. The current foster was sleeping through the night by his second night. I also feed dinner late. As in, feed dinner, walk the dogs, then go to bed. It changes their schedules really fast and the fosters let me sleep much later. I am not a morning person, so this works much better for me.
  23. Dogs eat crayons all the time and they usually pass through before anyone notices they were missing. I'm sure Truman will be fine.
  24. Bow is really easy. Click when the pup stretches. "chin"is also pretty easy. Put your hand under his chin and lure his head down so he puts pressure on your hand. Click when hes pressing down.
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