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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I'm sorry for your loss.
  2. Add me too. But I have 2 hounds, plus I often have a foster that I need to house train.
  3. Thank you everyone. She really was a charmer. Even non cat people fell in love with her. Probably because she acted more like a dog.
  4. My perfect cat passed in my arms today and I'm heartbroken. Rita was my first pet. I got her when I moved out of my parents house when I graduated college. I lived by myself in an apartment and wanted a companion. I really wanted a dog, but didn't have the time for one so I went to the Humane Society and saw Rita and knew she was supposed to be mine. She was about 6 months old and a pretty gray domestic short hair with some dilute calico markings. I swear she thought she was a dog. She followed me everywhere. She went to bed with me, made sure I was up with my alarm clock and was always waiting by the door when I came home. Of course things changed when I got the other cats, but she stayed my sassy girl. I think that the happiest day of her life was when I got her her own dog, Bu. Well, she thought I got him for her. The 2 of them had a love affair. Rita would rub all over Bu and Bu would start licking her. If he took too long to lick her, then should would discipline him by head butting him aggressively until he did her bidding. Rita loved all dogs and I would bring her to meet haulers of greyhounds and to the greyhounds farm to cat test the dogs. She would stand there perfectly calm on her leash outside while dog after dog paraded by. She didn't even mind if they tried to eat her. She really was the perfect cat and even though I have 2 dogs and 2 other cats plus a foster dog, my house will be empty without her.
  5. I agree, you just need to walk until she goes. Give treats when she goes and use a word to mark her going. This way maybe she'll go on command eventually.
  6. Sambuca

    Moto Hot Rod

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  7. Were there any toys in the crate? I always leave a nylabone in the crate so my fosters have something to chew on. I find that many dogs enjoy ripping up blankets in crates.
  8. He definitely needs a vet visit. But, Sailor had swelling on his muzzle at one point and the vet could not find anything wrong at all. It went away after a few days.
  9. Bu took about 2 months, but be only had about 3 accidents in that time. New places are a different story though especially since he has car and other anxiety. Sailor also took a couple months until I figured out his needs. Hes very pretty, but not so smart so he had no idea how to tell me he needed to go out. Hes still not great at telling me, but I can read him much better and know how often he needs to go. Most fosters take a week or two max to figure it out. Some as little as a day.
  10. A clients dog gets this all the time. Hers seems to be due to extremely hard poop. They've added pumpkin to her to loosen things up a bit. Her vet called pumpkin "the great equalizer". It helps to an extent, but the vet isn't worried.
  11. I'm a pet sitter and sometimes that happens. Maybe have him mix some goodies into the food.
  12. I use a martingale and a 6' leash. Look at the links above about fitting a martingale. Also, if the pup tries to back down pull the leash down towards the ground and it will be harder for the dog to slip out of.
  13. I agree. And some do like sugar. Sailor lives sugary candy.
  14. I agree with everything above. You really need to up get exercise. Can you try to find an area that is plowed better to walk her? Or even bring done other dogs to your house for a play date to run in the yard.
  15. If the tail if straight out instead of down (resting) it may pull a bit. Wait til shes standing and see how it looks.
  16. I'll admit it, my house is a mess. Thankfully my dogs don't eat random things. They are also awesome at "leave it". I eat sitting on the couch and they wouldn't even consider trying to take food from me or off the couch. That being said, if someone, especially other than me, left food out and left the room, my dogs would not hesitate to eat whatever was there. Thats what dogs do. I think you need to train your parents a bit. If hes eating things that aren't food, them you need to do some leave it training and setting the dog up with the goodies covered in bitter apple spray. Food left out with no one around, although not impossible to train a dog to leave it, is damn close to impossible.
  17. Keep the dogs separated. If he gets frustrated enough, you will have a dog fight. Since you just had surgery, you aren't going to safely be able to break it up and it doesn't sound like your family is helping. Use baby gates, x pens and crates to keep the dogs apart. I don't know of any scents or sprays that would be effective on the collies behavior and safe/comfortable for Teddy. You can try spraying the collie with a water bottle, but that may scare Teddy and probably isn't the best method for the collie, but safe for you during recovery.
  18. He has hit his teenage rebellion stage. Done behavior will be temporary, but if not handled it could become permanent. I would take him to obedience. Bu does this. He is 6. If it's over a toy, I make the toy disappear. I scold him if it's over a dog bed. I kick him off the human furniture if thats the cause. Meals are my biggest problem because hes a slow easter and Sailor it's a fast eater. I just stand between them and Sailor leaves him alone.
  19. Don't they poop on their tails? and my boys would end up peeing on that belt and possibly even the tail. Maybe the belt sits a little differently on a bigger dog though.
  20. Me too! I can also be resource aggressive when someone tries to take me food away without permission and the dogs learned that very quickly. And I don't blame 1 of my hounds for not liking strangers petting him since I don't like strangers petting me either.
  21. I doubt theres anywhere local. Maybe your adoption group. I usually use duct tape.
  22. Have you tried giving him fish or meat as a treat? That usually works around here.
  23. I just think it could only take a moment of over excitement, a minor miscalculation or a small distraction for an accident to happen with a sharp tooth on someones face. I wasn't saying the dog would do it intentionally, but we all know accidents can happen despite everybodys intentions.
  24. I agree that it doesn't sound like a good idea. All it takes is the dog getting over enthusiastic once for a huge problem to occur. Plus, I can tell you from experience that getting stitches in your face from a dog bite, sucks.
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