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Everything posted by FiveRoooooers

  1. I am so very sorry. We had just been introduced to Max a few days ago, delighting in his reaching almost 14 years - no small accomplishment! Something must have been brewing and as a dear friend once said to me, "they are ok until they're not." You have such beautiful memories shared with Max, they will help carry you through as you navigate a new normal. Please know that you are not alone and we are keeping you in our thoughts. Godspeed good boy, and please send your family a sign, they're going to need that.
  2. Ma had 'em, ob course. She promised that they are all mine butt she's gonna dole 'em out. Nate you made our day! We are so glad the PBBs (Peanut Better Biscuits) (thank you, Beth!) arrived safely and you are enjoying them Your Ma is a peach and we're sure she won't be stingy wif the treats (we have to tell you, tho, beware, bc even tho they are for hounds the hoomans can also enjoy PBBs. Just sayin' ). pee ess, PBBs keep a good while in the cool bocks and even longer in the real chilly bocks.
  3. I'm glad that Dan is ok after that incident. Good on you folks for giving Ami a chance to shine. Others will respond, but I will briefly and strongly encourage No Couch, No Human Beds, Nada. Leave the boy alone whilst he is on his own beds and in whatever spaces the humans have declared to be his. A muzzle is your friend and as much as he may suggest otherwise, Ami is undoubtedly familiar with it and will be just fine wearing it. None of this is about being "alpha" rather, it is about mutual respect, something Ami seems to have either dismissed, misinterpreted or never learned. Quiet praise, affectionate pats and strokes, yes, but I would caution against cuddles and hugs until you become more familiar with Ami and what his triggers may be. He sounds totally workable, and I would enroll him in Dog 101 NILIF (nothing in life is free). There are many threads here on this topic. Good luck with this cute cow doggie boy! Stay safe and please keep us posted.
  4. Wate, wot? Srsly, I was in disbelief. I mean, yes, during our hikes Punkin overpees every scent she can find, more times than knot hiking her leg like sweet Hada @macoduck. the Curtsy Pee Plusalso, when I need her to pee bc we're going for a R-I-D-E all that needs to happen is for AnnIE to go bc Punkin will then overpee her. (They are exactly the women who accompany each other to the ladies' room.) Going into clinic today, both girls took note of every horizontal surface wot contained a message and yes, Punkin was interested in the real fake tree in the waiting area. But I nevah, evah, thought she'd lift her leg on it
  5. Well, said no GIRL dog evah. Waiting to be called for my Librela injection wot do you do but lift your leg to the plastic tree wots thare presumably for BOY dogs! Punkin sez Sumbudy was heer afour me. I was juss anserin Mom was mortified and says dis pic for paybak, woteber dat iz
  6. That oughta do it She doesn't take a bad pic, does she
  7. Double the love with double votes for Willa today only! Only eight hours of voting to go! eta, the double votes are donation only, sorry, I was sooo upsited to get in those extras
  8. Yay for Howie! Thanks for updating, Ducky.
  9. I’d kiss that face over and over Congratulations Freshy on becoming the newest member of the House ob Duck! You’re gonna love it! Yay Ducky! As I said, the pods will be using Freshy as an umbrella
  10. I can't stand how handsome he is If those are current photos, he looks fantastic! Thank you for sharing your Max with us!
  11. It could be that the company changed the formula of the food that had been working for so long, you might check with them. Lamb was never a good fit for my seniors but it does work for some, these hounds are such snowflakes. I would be cautious, tho, about going from 24 to 35% protein and perhaps discuss with your vet what you might give to settle your boy's stomach vs going to the higher protein food. What was the primary ingredient of the former food? If the Acana line is helping, see what other formulas they have with a lower protein. Good luck and please keep us posted. As I said, almost 14 is remarkable, good for you!
  12. Thank you for sharing. It's good to hear how well Max has been doing, and closing in on 14! That's a celebration!
  13. These pups are hysterical! And the hosts calling the game ... "She's gone 35 yards for the touchdown!" It also appears to have rained in some areas of the field
  14. I think we need a Senior Hound Day but for now, bring on the puppies!
  15. I wonder what else you haven't yet realized is missing
  16. Oy, we didn't know there was also an issue with Willa's ear She's still smiling, tho
  17. You think you're going to outwit meee? Bwahhhhhaaaaa Faith! She is awesome (from here ). I'm so glad she is providing that much-needed/deserved distraction. I'm thinking maybe a piece or a few pieces of small diameter PVC pipe on her leash?
  18. < She's doing great! This probably concludes Gracie's dental adventure. > Annnd that's how we like 'em Good boy, Mark!
  19. Gracie, Punkin says toofers are overrated. You'll be just fine and iffen they laff too hard with at you, you have the power Glad you'll be home soon
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