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Everything posted by FiveRoooooers

  1. You got yer photo, now get this thing offa me! Good to see you!!
  2. You are both celebrities! What a great write up! 👏 AnnIE is inquiring about Mooney’s shoes 😅
  3. Noooo!! We were just getting to know you, sweet girl. It’s true, these past few months were the best of your too short life. Ducky and Mac, I just can’t even. Thank you for loving the seniors Fly free, Leela
  4. I missed November and here is December. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
  5. Wiki! Wif des hoomans, you keep habin b'days and gettin into all sortsa mayhem and the free passes jus keep comin! It's grate!
  6. We had a long day ob multiple adbenchurs First we went to the laundermat to warsh me and Punkin’s blankies Then we went to the place wot fixes moms shoulder and eberywon thare lubbed and lubbed on me. Then we got in the BOH and got in a line and they gabe us a bag o’noms. Then we went to the liberry and they lubbed on me thare. Eben Punkin! Then we went to won on our fav trails and walked near the pond. Then we came home and took a nap together. Well, tried to rest, really. Thare was still some mayhem ober ower heds (that’s ober wif for 4 sleeps then it will be ober ober fur gud!). Me and Punkin shared munchkins and frize and now it’s time fur bed. I fink I had a gud day! Fanks fur all da gud witches fur me!
  7. Thanks everyone, it looks like today could be target day! No more inside snow will be put to the test next week Ellen, this is a metal roof and like yours it has angles and nook and crannies. It's not so much the compressor or hammering etc that sends Punkin into a panic, it's the rattling of the sheets of metal. I watched the girl who DoesKnotDoBareFloors (Ever) somehow manage to step from the safety of the living room rug to cross the bare kitchen floor and land on the throw rug in front of the sink, which is in a bit of a dark corner. Poor kid. Woowoo drops on board and she's good. She will be coming with on our R I D E this morning.
  8. AnniE says elebben iz hebben Our silly crazy wild child who lives for pats turns #11 today She was just five-turning-six! She may knot have received the memos about her age - here she is just this week stalking Punkin Happy birthday AnnIE We’ll go for a R I D E to the beeg town and see who you can corral for presents I mean pats
  9. Thank you! The roofers are pushing to get the projekt done due to what's coming next week: "Staying" Snow.
  10. You’re asking for a friend, amirite? Ennyhoo, I suspect that the drops could work for your friends hound Aww thank you. If we run out of drops we’ll be in touch Woowoo drops. They work quickly for Punkin and she goes from trembling quaking tail-tucked hound to a nap in La La Land.
  11. They started our entire roof replacement two days ago. When temps were 32-36. Today it has warmed from 22 to 27 and they are back at it. AnnIE could knot care less. Punkin OTOH has asked for more woowoo drops and a tightening of her “ear warmer.” Thank you to @ramonaghan for both suggestions Poor Punkin but srsly, the drops and headband have helped tremendously. Another two sleeps’ worth of werk and it should all be over
  12. Yay UPS. That does not bode well for what’s about to happen for the next 30 +/- days (kinda, knot really)
  13. Jupe? I can tell yu, da hoomans do knot approve ob surfing. Thare’s usually a lot of involved and I yam knot sure it’s worf it. Iffen you don’t hab it, you don’t wanna lern it, trust me man. Chapter 3, published!
  14. That's ok, you're early for AnnIE's b'day next week. Punkin appreciates the thought anytime! Thanks again everyone
  15. We received your lovely card today, Bill, thank you!
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