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Everything posted by FiveRoooooers

  1. Seamie and Antnee did a mahvelous job for Lexie and Rocket's wedding
  2. Apparently I have reached the max number of available Likes today Thank you all for celebrating and sharing our 12 Punkin's She had a very good day and even had some leftover berger (IKR?) with her brekkie. (Per usual, YouTube is giving me a turn with the video, sigh.) Twelve is swell, and every day is a gift
  3. Our dear Punkin is celebrating birthday #12 today It snowed yesterday and today so far has been for exploring (can you say tracks of deer? moose?!). In recent years we would have prepared a chikken for Cletus but Punkin has requested a plane berger and fries so that’s what we’ll do, with some 🎃 treats. With only her two lower canines and GI issues, her diet is limited but she's shown that she can handle what she's asked for today, with a sprinkling of dehydrated chikken Twelve is swell! Happy 12th b’day to my favorite kind of punkin pie I caught a video of her playing in the snow that I’ll try to upload later
  4. Aww, angels Thank you everyone, have a wonderful day! We’ll be back with another post of all things punkin
  5. Happy Thanksgiving to our Greytalk family! I love you Seamie, I just do. Thanks for all the cooking.
  6. I remember Carl and Doodles, too. I am so sorry. My sympathies to Connie’s friends and family.
  7. But of course! Wiki , iz yu and me relavent relatibs related? Could we be cuzzins or sumfing? We muss be, cuss bof owr mommas are like a hole lot! Jerilyn, thank you for the link!! I'm on it
  8. Adventure Stories Chapter 1. The Kitchen. Although she would like us to see her as the best roommate to Punkin and a caring Read Dog, AnnIE is a bad dog. A very bad dog. She’s suddenly become a Soos Chef, of sorts. Numerous times she’s been caught knot actually surfing but, um, checking on things in the kitchen. Until now. The scones I’d made were so bad that they had to be trashed. I went into the other room and from the corner of my eye spied something stealth right behind me, slinking toward a dog bed, with a bad scone just peeking out of her mouth 🤦🏼‍♀️ Oh, she so wanted to keep that nasty thing Chapter 2. AnnIE I’m Embarrassed. When the ground is just barely frozen on top but you’re still wearing your summer running paws and whilst taking a lap you totally wipe out on a corner. While she did miss the turn, she didn’t miss a beat and finished her laps. Chapter 3. Knitting. And she doesn’t mean with her toofers. Does she realize that she doesn’t even have doom claws, let alone thumbs? She is obsessed with this ball of yarn (why) and has taken it to her bed now three days in a row. Maybe she’s cold and wants a shawl? Chapter 4. Soos Chef. After mom finished shobeling a the power came back (she was a happy camper after makin real troo hot kawfee on the woodstove), I baked cookies. I gots to liklik the spoon an it was nomlicious Mom says dat Soos Cheffing may be my faborite fing bc I am Always in the cookin room ob owr Tiny House. Wot, mom? ( <— mom)
  9. AnnIE is thumb-less! No dooo claws It’s all AnnIE. I’m just her driver (and sadly def knot a singer [in my next life, tho!]).
  10. Today is AnnIE’s Day 📚 In order to collect as many pats as possible, AnnIE was torn between reading with the kidlets or getting up to greet other library patrons. She's exhausted and sleeping so she must have sorted it out At one point I was reading/singing Itsy Bitsy Spider and yet we’ve still been invited back AnnIE
  11. for toast!! I mean, yay for fostering! I mean, aw, never mind Have fun with your gorgeous snuggle bug zippity do boy
  12. That must be her fav, look at the smile on her face! Wiki
  13. This is soo exciting! Welcome home, Stephanie! And congrats to you and your family!
  14. Two years gone by does not seem possible.! We love you, too, Mark eta, Did y'all notice that we can now "LIKE" GreyTalk posts
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