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Everything posted by FiveRoooooers

  1. If you didn't know, you wouldn't know that Willa was doing all those gymnastics on three pegs. She sure doesn't seem to have gotten the memo Those two are the best! You need snow more often!
  2. No. This was Kathy’s boy “Mac”. Thank you.
  3. Ducky, could you please add GT'er DesiRayMom's young man, Mac, who after bravely battling lymphoma has received his wings.
  4. I hope this article is ok to share here. Funding by the National Institute on Aging for the Dog Aging Project will run out in a few months. I know that some of our hounds here are involved with the project, as was angel Aiden. The article includes a link to a petition asking for additional funding that needs only a few more signatures to reach its goal.
  5. ^^ This is one of the examples of why we love the GreyTalk community ^^ Another option is the Help 'Em Up harness that worked great for both my male and female hounds who had lost the use of their hind ends.
  6. Better! It’s Punkin, who had a really good day on the trail. She is our hike leader and was on her game, there were soo many good sniffs and she was delighted to root out a nest of some sort (we booked out of there ). Snow face as evidence of a really good day for Punkin
  7. Milo, that is brilliant!! I have to tell you, AnnIE and Punkin are wearing Pal and Segugio's coats that are still just as toasty warm as they were 20+ years ago. The velcro does need replacing now and then however Exactly this!
  8. I should mention that this vid was after she'd already been zipping around, making snow dogs, and downward dogging for 10 min. AnnIE goes wild
  9. First she lost her mind, then she lost her coat. But the duct tape on her corn stayed on! https://share.icloud.com/photos/006JEK4bp6xXb4uzVwuFQaR1Q AnnIE has been a camper for five+ years and nevah, have I evah seen this display from her. In December she turned 11 and recently started the Gang's MSM & Glucosamine supplements. They must be werking
  10. Gracie? I've seen your mom's pics of you, too. You are livin' the good life Happy Birthday, sweetie We'll have fries tonight too!
  11. Trisha McConnell just published 2024: A Year of Delight in Small Things that resonated in so many ways. This in particular struck home and is something that will stay with me: Reality check: The small table on the left of the couch contains two African Violets (one, from friend Donna’s mother Rose, might almost be as old as I am.) Although the living room had just been dusted and vacuumed for company, the dog hairs decorating the plants never fail to disappear, no matter how painstakingly I try to pick them off. “#1 Reason the house is dirty: The dogs are alive.” Happy New Year. And, hug your hounds.
  12. I hope he feels like he's had a good life. I'm not crying. You're crying. Srsly. Milo has had The Best life, the best ongoing final chapter any hound could wish for. Happy #14 Milo Only one camper has ever reached 14 (Pal) and I am so delighted and proud for you having reached such a milestone, and with such flourish
  13. Thanks again for suggesting this and the R&R. Hunting season was horrible for Punkin and she's still wary about going for walks after 2:00pm. Even loud hammering or a truck door slam can worry her now. I used a hooman headband over which went a healthy amount of vetrap and it def helped. The R&R has also been helpful.
  14. I'm sorry for your pup's diagnosis. This thread is four years old and you'll likely get more responses if you start a new one. You can also search the H&M forum for associated threads but you'll need to spell out P-L-E as the forum doesn't allow searches using three-letter terms. Good luck!
  15. Rue was very happy to check out the new beds that Santa brought to Camp! The campers had been asking “Are these really for us?? Fanks, Santa!” (on-sale Orvis we’ve been eyeing 🤦🏼‍♀️) Sigh. I’ve tried so many times to make Rue more than an honorary camper. Her mom keeps a tight leash on her.
  16. We recently had an overnight visitor. She brought her own bed. What’s wrong with this picture? Srsly, isn’t she just the cutest! Meet “Rue.” Punkin had to test drive it too After a brisk hike, Rue fell asleep in her snuffle mat When I said brisk, it was 18 deg F. Rue had forgotten her coat so we fashioned one from Punkin’s spare Houndtime flannels. A bandana cinch and it did the job!
  17. Buster: What’s a good boy gotta do to be noticed? Pick meee!
  18. And this is why Misser Marc is our engineer of the group O M G, even I can do that math now I wish we'd gotten enough from this storm to share, sadly no. Total swizz That's a lot of snow!
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