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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. When I used to drive through parts of Central IL I would encounter one of the Kreckel's Chicken Cars from time to time. I loved seeing them. Kreckel's Chicken Cars
  2. Both of our senior broodies have corns. Kate will let us work on hers, but Petunia tucks her paws under her body and won't let us near her feet. Kate seems to have some pain with hers and still has somewhat of a limp from the corn. We started trying to soften the corn and found that Burt's Bees Hand Salve worked well to soften the corn. It had to be applied daily and consistently. Eventually, the biggest nastiest corns on Kate were able to be popped off and she definitely felt batter. It became obvious within a week or two that the corn(s) were re-developing, so we are still softening and removing them as needed. Due to age, I don't think we want to do anything surgical unless she has to go under for something else. Kate still runs and plays on the soft surfaces, but concrete, tile etc are an issue and painful for her. Now that we have the biggest of the corns off, we may try a boot or slipper depending on what the vet wants to do at her upcoming exam.
  3. Petunia says she approves of ice cream. She and Kate have had it for birthdays and few other special celebrations. Enjoy your day, girls!
  4. Happy Gotcha Day Girls! (Petunia wanted me to let you in on a secret but don't tell anyone - Your Mom secretly likes the mayhem - keep up the good werk.) Hope you got lots of treats and fries today!
  5. She knows how to look innocent. She's perfected that skill like most broodies.
  6. One year ago today the paperwork for Kate became official and our house officially became known as Camp Broodie. We love this sassy girl and she has been the perfect "partner in crime" for Petunia. Broodies...what a handful, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
  7. To me, being ripped inside the shipping box means it probably already had a tear in it that the warehouse didn't catch. It's probably not a major problem since all of those torn bags that they do catch end up at animal shelters around the country and get used all the time. I'd say that unless it smells off or rancid, or has detectable bugs, it is probably fine given the short transit time. Some of the manufacturers also print the actual production date on the bag - if you have that it will give you an idea of how long the bag may have been open and exposed to air.
  8. Thank you for taking in this special boy and thank you to his first owner for recognizing the issue and not setting him up for failure. He was a special boy and found the home he needed. Run-free, handsome Andy.
  9. If you are contacted by animal control, be sure to insist that the other party gets a citation for each off lead dog if there is a leash law in place. Your dog was under your wife's control at the time and the other dogs were not under the owner's control as required in most places. Sully was simply being a dog.
  10. Glad you are feeling well enough to be back here. Andy will definitely be missed here. Abu is one handsome dude and I think he knows it given the look on his face...
  11. No wonder there was a tornado. Cletus needs to slow that tail down. Glad you are all okay. It appears that even Annie followed instructions.
  12. Happy Birthday, Lila! That floor needs more crumbs and some french fries. Love, Petunia and Kate.
  13. Happy Birthday Sophie! Petunia and Kate (also 12) say it's just a number. We wish you many more, and Petunia says to make sure you get some french fries for your birthday!
  14. If you have an adoption group in your area I would reach out for help. At one point, we co-adopted a 12 year old who had many medical needs along with 2 other people and she spent time at 3 different homes so that no one person had the full financial and logistical burden of her care. She was full of pep but had enough issues that she needed a special diet and some other things. She had almost a full year among our 3 homes that she would not have otherwise had, and we all still miss her every day. Also, if you can post your general area (City and State) someone here may have a contact who can help you.
  15. Yes. Just make sure that it's plain Gas-X and not one of their products that also has an antacid etc - you just want to relieve the gas. Normally, if that squealing is first thing in the morning before they eat, we can just give a snack like a Milk Bone or some canned food to settle the stomach out. What we've experienced with those early morning squeals is that they won't want to eat their breakfast because of stomach upset, but will eat a treat or something attractive like canned chicken dog food. I will usually give them that, then a few hours later they want their regular breakfast. At other times of day or if it's a few hours after giving deworming meds, I'd try the Gas-X first if you hear squeals. The nice thing with plain Gas-X is that it isn't going to hurt anything if gas isn't the issue at that moment.
  16. I would only give it if there is stomach upset. Reason being that it turns the stool black and you will not be able to differentiate between that and dark blood. If it's not needed, don't give it. Squeaks and squeals are typically gas. We usually give a Gas-X (plain - no added stuff) and when we do we will hear a loud burp or belch out of the dog shortly thereafter.
  17. One thing that's pretty common is that they often will not drink when you make a rest stop. I always offer water, but they mostly turn it down. When we get to the hotel later they will eat and tank up on water. Seems to be a pretty regular thing when we do longer trips so I don't worry about them not drinking during the ride if they turn down the water.
  18. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Danny. He obviously knew how much he was loved. I love the fact that you two had secrets. I used to to tell Rocket all the time "and don't tell your mother we did this..." Run-free Danny.
  19. Hopefully there will be a vendor directory with those links sent out to the mailing list also. I love our vendors, but I do not and will not support the use of anything related to Facebook, no matter the cause it benefits. Facebook and all of it's subsidiaries ,trackers, domains etc are blocked on my computers.
  20. Well, he can also jump over it so I don't think the dog will bother trying to squeeze through a 4 inch gap when he can leap over the top in a single bound.
  21. Thanks for letting me know. We had a glitch in my account a few weeks ago due to something behind the scenes in the forum software. I have none of my PM's and don't even have the option available so will let Jeff know. He had to get the software vendor involved to fix whatever was going on. I had not realized that the PM's and the capability were not there. French Fry may be a little too young and active for this household. Petunia would love it but I would bet she will give him "whotfer" when he tries to wrestle her. I think he needs a younger playmate. When Petunia was at the adoption group's kennel, she apparently had a greyhound puppy there to play with and literally spent all day chasing him around the farm. I think that;s why she was so miserable as an only hound.
  22. She definitely marches to her own drummer. She's always been very laid back, but we are starting to see the broodie in her appear every once in a while. Petunia displays enough broodie for both of them.
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