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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Happy Gotcha Day, beautiful Sweep! We had a few here for visits where I wanted to say "What dog?" when their parents came back to claim them. Glad you got to do that with Sweep.
  2. Run-free, Averitt. You will be missed by many.
  3. Happy Birthday, Punkin! Diva says to remoind your mom about the whippy kream and PB sundaes that she got for her birthday. Your Mom seems to have forgotten about whippy kream.
  4. Maybe something related to a dementia type illness or similar to Sundowner's Syndrome. Is he up all night and agitated once it gets dark out? If so, check out Sundowner's syndrome in dogs.
  5. All of the screaming monkeys we had over the years all had that slingshot built in. Woot.com occasionally has those on sale but it's a hit or miss thing when they have them. I did find some on EBay as well.
  6. Petunia only came for an afternoon too.... After about 20 minutes I told Chris to "just write the check." These two are fun. I had a couple of minor surgeries right after they arrived so yesterday was our first attempt at going for a walk. Mark needs some leash training but he was just giddy, running and pulling on the leash because he was so excited. Up until now they've just run in the yard. Mark did not race so I don't think he's really used to being led around much. Carpet cleaning is on the list as evidenced by our horrible carpets in all of the pictures. The carpet needs to be replaced but with multiple dogs we've just been trying to get another cleaning out of it each time. We figured having no one here to assist the carpet cleaning guy would be a big help to him. The good thing is that he is a dog lover. Their owner was very active with multiple greyhound adoption groups over the years here in Phoenix. She was responsible for hundreds of hounds getting new homes. We don't know if she ever knew that the dogs were coming to us, but she trusted the person who placed them to find them the right home. I hope she knew that they would be well taken care of. My first comment to DW when they did that was "I guess they are home."
  7. Happy Birthday to our sweet "foster", Diva. She turned 11 today. Diva and her brother Mark got to celebrate with Whippy Kream and Peanut Butter Sundaes. Diva and Mark were introduced earlier today in this post. The party hat stayed on for at least a minute. The sundaes were consumed from the bowls, the carpet and the dog beds. Happy Birthday sweet girl!
  8. With the sudden loss of Petunia just prior to our Dewey trip, coming home to an empty house was miserable. We saw the local GPA coordinator at an event a few weeks ago and told her that we might be ready after the first of the year, but didn't want to actively meet any dogs before then. We had some work that we wanted to get done on the house before having a dog again and I had 2 surgeries scheduled for the following week. 2 Days later a text message arrived. And now you know the rest of the story...Well, sort of.... Mark and Diva's owner was hospitalized due to an emergency and the group asked if we could take them as an emergency foster. Before all of the details could be worked out to get the dogs to us, their owner passed away suddenly. Technically, they are still fosters and you can read whatever you want into that. So, just about 2 weeks ago, Mark and Diva were brought to us. They weren't sure what was going on as they had been taken care of during the prior week by various people. Diva immeditely peed on one of Petunia's old spots in the living room, (or maybe it was a spot that Starz made - not sure). Mark stepped in behind her and peed over the same spot. I guess that meant they were staying. They have both settled in and although it is evident that Mark is missing his Mom, they are both settled in well and act like they have always been here. They are definitely home. I have to post their introduction today, as later tonight I have to post pictures for Diva's Birthday. She turned 11 today and will have a birthday celebration this evening. Mark is 8. Did I mention they are "fosters?" Mark - telling me that he is out of wine. Diva - guarding the wine Mark - demonstrating the two bed sleep system Mark showing his Pupsodent smile Brother and Sister bonding Diva on Day 3 or so Diva telling me that she needs more toys Diva thinks that hedgehogs are delicious and she likes it when they grunt Handsome Mr Mark Fosters.....uh huh....
  9. In the 5 years that we lived in the Midwest, I never had a banana to myself. Rocket always showed up to take part of it. As soon as we moved to Arizona, apparently the bananas here are different. He turned up his nose and would never touch one again. Come to think of it, I don't buy many bananas now that there's no one to share them with.
  10. I would reach out the group you adopted through and see if they have anyone who is good at dealing with the type of dog we call a "spook." This is not something you should have to deal with alone so hopefully the group is there to support you. I'm not sure what else to suggest at this point because it sounds like you are trying the right things. Definitely reach out to the adoption group. The only other thing I can think of might be a complete vet check to include thyroid tests and make sure that nothing in bloodwork is off.
  11. I'm so sorry, Jan. Run-free, Skip.
  12. Miss Kate could also rock the giraffe ears. She inherited hers from Lexie.
  13. A greyhound walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Why the long face?" I'm here all week and don't forget to tip your server...
  14. Very sorry to hear this. Spoil him rotten for all of us.
  15. Jeter, Rocket would want me to remind you that the best French Food is French Fries. And maybe snails. He never had snails, but I would occasionally ask him if he wanted snails and he would go ballistic and start spinning and jumping up and down. I never did figure out what he thought snails were.
  16. We only have Rocket's ashes. They will eventually be taken to a place he loved going to in the Midwest and spread there. We haven't gotten back to the Midwest since we moved and that;s the only reason they are still here. For now his ashes are in the nice wooden box provided by the crematorium with his collar and tags sitting on top. Those tags, and the tags of the others who have left us will all go into that box once the ashes are out of it. We decided not to keep the ashes of the others as we didn;t want to have a collection of those boxes or urns, and each of those dogs came to us fairly late in their lives. They each had a couple of fantastic years here with us, but we don;t have a place here to spread the ashes, and none of them had that favorite place anywhere like Rocket had in the Midwwest. I hope that makes sense and doesn;t sound too cold, but each of those dogs is still here with us every day without having the ashes. They all left their mark here. (and apparently lots of fur.)
  17. Just now catching up and seeing htis. All paws, fingers and toes crossed here at Camp Broodie for Punkin. Punkin, if Dr. Rocket were still here, he would remind you that lots of ice cream is called for afterward. (Well, at least a little ice cream but lots of other good stuff like yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs and stinky canned food.)
  18. I'm so sorry, Jen. A great tribute for a beautiful girl. Run-free sweet Violet.
  19. As someone who watches Keeping Up Appearances every Saturday you've given me something new to stream. Thanks! I love British sitcoms.
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