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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. We'll be thinking of you and your sweet girl Maya. Hope that all goes well.
  2. Unless they need some type of special diet for sensitive tummies, you can probably get away with adding some canned to make it stretch until Wednesday, or using add-ins like scrambled eggs, a little cottage cheese and other items noted in the above post. Since it's only a day, i wouldn't stress over it too much. In a pinch, just mixing with a similar type of kibble off the shelf would probably be fine also. We order our food also because the closest place that carries it is a 180 mile round trip. I've gotten in the habit of ordering the new bag as soon as I open the bag that goes into the storage container. That way, if it's backordered for a bit, i have a couple weeks of lead time to deal with it. In a pinch, we've used the IAMs Green Bag with no problems.
  3. It sounds like something neurological has happened. The "walking in a circle" may be an indicator of that. There are others here who have experienced similar issues and will be able to suggest some things to check. Give the responses a little time, as weekends can sometimes slow down a little here. I hope Lulu is better soon.
  4. He may look awake, but many greys sleep with their eyes open. Even if he was only zoned out and not sleeping, he was startled and felt threatened. Your pup had a perfectly natural reaction. We have a "no petting unless Rocket is standing up" rule in our house. He startles easily, and often his eyes are wide open when he's sleeping. If you implement this rule, you most likely won;t have any further issues like this. The bed is your hound's safe spot, so it's best that it's his domain.
  5. How did the scrambled eggs go over? If I so much as get an egg out of the refrigerator, I have an audience. I've also found green beans to be a big hit, although most of the other things you listed are pretty well liked in this house. Also, crumbs from treats (ground up Burpdogs, ginger snaps etc) sprinkled on top of the kibble you actually want them to eat is worth a try. if it tastes like cookies, it must be good!
  6. Have you checked the car trunk? (Had that happen 30 years ago and have never forgotten it.)
  7. Did you check his toes individually? He may have tweaked or dislocated a toe on the foot that he's limping on, especially since he was running in tight circles.
  8. Don't rule out the allergies. Seasonal allergies can be worse in the fall than at other times depending on what he might have an allergy to. Rocket has been itching since the ragweed bloomed in Late August / Early September. We go through this every year at this time until after the first heavy frost. We've had the best luck with Chlor-Trimeton (dispensed by vet but is the same as the OTC stuff) keeping the itch to a minimum. We also have to wipe and spray paws after every outing, and do eye drops.
  9. What a cutie. I have a feeling that she is going to be running things there pretty quickly.
  10. Allergies? Rocket has been licking his paws for about 6 weeks. They are bright pink, but this is the first year that he didn't end up with at least one of them infected and completely bare. . He's been on Chlor-Trimeton and HC Comfort Spray (from the vet). I decided to try Fresh Factors 2 weeks ago, and he has stopped about 80% of the licking.
  11. Glad that he's okay. Are you leaving some noise on, like a radio or TV as a distraction? Might help if there's something outside happening that causes him to be upset. Could be anything from a loud truck to a mower running, etc. You never know what little things will cause anxiety, but blocking out noise from outside can't hurt.
  12. High value treats should be served in gated/closed areas away from each other when there's a new or unknown hound in the mix. You dodged a major bullet this time with only a minor injury to Mason. The rawhide is probably super high value to the foster who may have never had one before.
  13. Most likely because Drontal Plus is still under a drug company patent, and they can still charge big bucks because of that... Haven't used Virbantel, but have used Drontal Plus and found that it took care of the problem with no further issues. Someone will be along who has used it, but bear in mind that it is Dewey Weekend, things tend to slow down around here during Dewey.
  14. Rocket is almost 8 and still does this if he gets it in his head that he wants to go a different way. Usually he wants to turn around, so we turn around, then turn around again and continue on the way were originally heading. I also find that taking his leash right at the collar like he is being led (the way they were led out at the track) also gets him moving again. That's probably more of a reflex from his racing days.
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