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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Holy cow! Let me share something with you...my bridge angel greyhound was diagnosed with chondrosarcoma. All of the vets here were sure of the diagnosis. All results were sent to Dr. Couto, who disagreed with the diagnosis. He said that the X-rays were normal and what they thought was cancerous tissue was actually normal lung tissue looking funny against her bones (sorry, I don't remember the exact wording). I sent her to the bridge several years later because of something unrelated (she was already 8.5 when I adopted her). My point is, be optimistic. Good luck.
  2. Wonderful news, less the vomiting! So glad that Jeff is home.
  3. That's what I meant. I was thinking that something must've provoked the cat, like a sniffing dog. Yours is a really good scenario.
  4. I would also be very surprised if the cat tacked the dog. I agree about taking your song to the vet as soon as you can. If it was me, I would probably muzzle my dog, as I hate to see any animal killed. I disagree with the "a loose animal is fair game" philosophy that I've read in the past (not by you). The cat's life is worth as much as my dog's, and I would never want to see something like that happen again. I wonder if there's any way that maybe whoever is walking the dog would beat at the bushes with a stick or pole during walks to try to scare any lurking animals away. BTW, inugrey and NeylasMom gave great advice. I'm sorry that happened to you. It must've been very traumatic and it was an accident.
  5. So glad he's doing better.its so scary to see that happen, but seems like he's getting better. Keep us posted, ok, Robin?
  6. Only you know your dog. I wasn't there and it's true, he could have killed the dog if he wanted to.
  7. Wow, he look great! Thank you for the update. What an ordeal you've all been through.
  8. Not a greyhound but my mixed breed angel, Beansy, made a full recovery after a stroke at age 13. We treated her with acupuncture. Hope Teddy feels better son.
  9. Loca used to pick up little dogs and shake them. I have no doubt that she would have killed them, had there not been intervention, despite the fact there there were one or two little dogs that she ignored. This doesn't seem like defence to me. I suggest you be very, very careful around small dogs.
  10. Loca had seasonal environmental allergies, resulting in her chewing her feet. Benadryl helped.
  11. She might not be used to that kind of closeness yet.
  12. You never know, maybe it did, maybe it didn't. She's still brand new to your family. Take it slow and give her some time to settle before hugging, etc., ok?
  13. Lisa, I am so sad to read this, and so very, very sorry for your loss. I've been around long enough to remember all of your hounds, and all were very special.
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