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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Very nice! Congratulations, Paula!
  2. Phene developed tremors after he started taking tramadol. He was sent to Th bridge shortly afterwards (osteo), so I have no idea how long they would have lasted. I'm absolutely thrilled with Teiggy's progress
  3. Oh no! Hoping that she feels better very soon. Best wishes for both of you.
  4. I would probably take him to the vet if he's not eating in the morning. Dogs can get badly hurt by running into things.
  5. OMG, Michelle, I got your message about her, but I didn't realize that it was Stephanie! It was so heartbreaking to read her comments on her FB page about her fever and not feeling well. This is so sad.
  6. Great article. It mentions somebody named Debbie Jacobs. She is wonderful, and helped me understand and accept Iker for the shy, fearful, loving guy that he is.
  7. Happy Birthday Sweetie! I'm sure Phoenix, Loca and Treasure are showing him a good time!
  8. Hello from lovely Kitchener! My guys are always cold so they wear lightweight fleece coats in the house all winter as I keep my house pretty cool. They wear more heavy duty winter coats outside. I've included some links for you below. They won't wear booties so I use Mushers Secret on their paws to protect them from salt. Unless it's really, really cold, I don't usually bother to put coats on them for quick trips to the backyard. Mine don't have raincoats, either. Yes, I'm a bad mommy I buy lots of very cheap fleece blankets or non fleece from Value Village and pile them on their beds, also, but they usually cuddle with me or each other to stay warm. 1. Chilly Dogs from the Ottawa area http://www.chillydogs.ca/index.php/product/index/30 2. Voyagers k9 Apparel http://www.k9apparel.com/Greyhound-s/138.htm I'm sure people will add others.
  9. I think your cat will be fine. My guys have killed several squirrels in the backyard, but have never had a problem with my cat, which lives indoors.
  10. Amadeus, Phene's twin from another mother. I can still here you calling him, from the time we met at that picnic. He is missed by many of us.
  11. I'm so very sorry. I've been there three times and I know how much it hurts. She is a beautiful girl and it seems like she's lead a fantastic life with you.
  12. Somebody down the street from me had a dog that had both eyes removed for the same reason. They were replaced with prosthetic eyes. The dog remained very friendly and sweet and lived to a ripe, old age.
  13. All three of my greyhounds had bone cancer. My vet stressed that it is an extremely painful disease, and that our dogs are very stoic. She said that if they are limping, they are most likely in severe pain. It's been my experience that once it gets to the point that the cancer is observable on an X-ray, it's pretty far advanced. You'll find many opinions about what to do next. Some hounds, like Charlie and Twiggy, have done really well with amp and chemo. I sent all three of mine to the bridge without amp or chemo. Sometimes I wonder if I waited too long with all of them. Here's the link for the osteo thread that greysmom mentioned. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/305786-osteo-thread-part-8/ Im sorry for your news. Do what is best for your dog.
  14. I'm so very sorry. You've had such a touch year
  15. Just a reminder...at the risk of sounding harsh; if it's osteo, she isn't going to recover. Her pain can only worsen. I've seen so many dogs whose lives have been prolonged because their people can't let go. I certainly understand but it isn't doing the dog any favours. Like I've said, I've been through this three times and it never gets easier. You are in my thoughts
  16. Very true. I've been where you are three times. I was told that our dogs are extremely stoic and are in much more pain than they let on, even with pain meds.
  17. Lovely Darcy...I'm so very, very sorry. What a tough year you've had
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