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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I work in Frederick. Send me a pm so I can see if I can help. Cindy
  2. Goose has bruised like that a couple times after donating blood. Never pouchy, though. It took a while (days - a week) before it faded. Poor guy. First those hats and now this!
  3. I hope she is better this morning. Sending good and peaceful thoughts to you today.
  4. It is my understanding (based on a post from another thread) that the maintenance dose is 300 mg of EPA and DHA combined per 30 lb of dog. The specific amounts of each is listed on the back label of your fish oil supplement and is not the amount listed on the front label itself. The theraputic dose is 300 mg of EPA and DHA combined per 10 lb of dog. So, if my math is correct, you would need 1800 mg of EPA and DHA for your dog for a theraputic dose, but only 600 mg for a maintenance dose. I would build up slowly because too much too fast can cause tummy upset or loose stools. Dante was never able to tolerate the theraputic dose, so he got as much as he could handle. Zoe has a cast iron system and hasn't had any issues at all. Good luck! If you need to commiserate, send me a PM. Cindy
  5. Zoe broke her hock racing 7 years ago. Cold weather and damp weather both aggravate it. In addition to a glucosamine supplement (I use ActiFlex), she gets a theraputic dose (v. maintenance) of fish oil (worked up gradually) and yucca intensive during the cold, damp months. If she is really bad, I give her an NSAID, but not that often. She also gets regular walks and a weekly playgroup, so she is in good physical health. I also keep her weight down to lessen stress on her legs. I tried wrapping that leg in the winter to provide extra warmth, but she didn't tolerate that at all. This has worked rather well for her. But, she is 11 going on 2 and doesn't let being gimpy slow her down - she just runs weird. When I first got her, my vet recommended that she not run at all to avoid stress on that leg. After a couple years of that, the other vet in the practice told me to let her do what makes her happy - which is to run around chasing lures and tennis balls. I do limit the amount of time and try to end the sessions before she stresses herself too much. I feel for you! It's hard to balance letting them enjoy themselves and trying to prevent discomfort.
  6. I didn't know the kennel names for 3 of my dogs. So, I named them what we wanted and they knew their new names within a short period of time. The 4th knew his kennel name, but it was almost the same as the name of another here, so I changed it anyway. My most recent hound knew his name, but I changed it intentionally. He is starting a new life and needed a new name. He is 11 and is already responding to his new name. It's a personal decision and good luck with what you decide.
  7. I don't have experience with renal failure in dogs; I have gone through it with cats. One, we did the subQ fluids and the other I decided to let it run its course. Not fun either way. I have gone through the day to day decline with my whippet. He did receive subQ fluids at home every day and they made him feel better as his body simply wore out. I had to let him go 6 weeks ago. His body was done, but his spirit wasn't. Hardest thing I have ever done. I am still struggling with the decision I made. In my situation, it was best for him, but he didn't see it that way. You are in my thoughts as you figure out what is best for your handsome Harold.
  8. I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing her teachings with us. I am sure we can all relate to one or two. Not going to try the one with the soap, however! What a special soul.
  9. What a special girlie! I am so glad that you were able to wear your husband down. I am deeply sorry for all your losses. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  10. She left you as she arrived - happy and content. I am so very sorry your beautiful girl had to leave.
  11. I am so very sorry. I so hope he is able to get comfortable and you can get some rest. You are in my thoughts.
  12. Oh, No! I was very surprised to see her name. I am so very sorry.
  13. Fabulous! What an inspiration to us all. Tristan, you are a happy, happy guy who has lessons about fortitude and spirit that many of us should learn. Thanks for posting!
  14. I am so very sorry. I lost my Dante this summer, too, and when I saw your title, my heart stopped all over again. Hugs to you.
  15. Jimmy, I am so very sorry. I am glad that she is back home with you where she belongs.
  16. Name or not, he was yours. I am so sorry. What a handsome, goofy guy.
  17. I raw feed my dogs a variation of the BARF diet - no veggies. I just brought home an 11 year old with very few teeth. He has his canines and a couple incisors. No molars. He wasn't eating well on kibble. He LOVES raw. I have some pre-made ground raw, which he really enjoys and he is doing well on it. While I will keep him on that if I have to, I was wondering what other options that I might have since it is rather pricey. I have a nice KitchenAid mixer and was wondering if I should get the meat grinder attachment, but reviews lead me to think that it wouldn't grind bones that well. I need to be able to grind chicken bones - he needs to bulk. He snarfs tripe and any type of muscle meat, as long as it is in small pieces that he can lap up. He doesn't really like egg. I have some ground fish that we will try in another couple days. Suggestions? TIA Cindy
  18. I am so very sorry. I went through that this summer. Even though Indy was quite elderly and I gave him the best I had, it was still the hardest thing I have ever done. You and Bijou are in my thoughts as you travel this road. Cindy
  19. At our playgroup, all dogs are muzzled. Several love to play with tennis balls and most love to chase them, too. Either the tennis balls themselves or the dogs chasing them! Anyway, the avid tennis ball lovers have learned how to push the ball around with their muzzle and bite the tennis ball through the muzzle so they can carry it around. We do use balls that are more frayed and have more pieces that can be caught between a couple teeth. I hope the new precautions work for you. Happy running, Sheba!
  20. Oh no! I am so very sorry. One is bad, two is unspeakable. You are in my thoughts.
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