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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. You don't have to say anymore - it shows through your post. I am so very sorry. What a handsome guy.
  2. I am not a trainer or behaviorist and I don't play one on tv. But, in my opinion, if Zeke was stepped on, I can see why he was not happy. It could have hurt. I muzzle my dogs (except for the toothless one) when I am not home. I also permit my dogs to growl at each other - within reason. They need to be able to communicate without having to resort to biting. Zeke didn't bite, though, and he could have if he wanted to. What size pen do you keep them in?
  3. I am so very sorry for the loss of your handsome Teddy.
  4. Zoe had a lot of guarding issues when we brought her home over 6 (!) years ago. Most have since disappeared, but she will still periodically pee next to her bowl (they are raw feed from raised bowls outside) after she is done. Maverick is a total food hog and will inspect everyone places after finishing. I thought she was just letting him know that was her area. They are also always fed in the same spot so it isn't like hers has been moved in years. (He isn't allowed to sniff any other bowls until after the owner is done and has walked away)
  5. No sage words, just hugs. My heart hurts for you.
  6. Dante had a fairly significant heart murmur. I took him to the cardiologist for an echo. His murmur did not require medication but annual screening. However, I lost him to OS before his heart had any impact on his quality of life.
  7. Oh, Pat, I am so very sorry. I understand the void. I will be happy to lift a glass for you and yours. Hugs, Cindy
  8. dante2zoe


    I am so very sorry. I followed your progress and hoped you would have more time with your handsome guy. Hugs.
  9. dante2zoe


    That was beautiful. Thank you for your advice. I just brought home an older back-of-the-pack hound, who could be easy to overlook. I will double my efforts to keep him engaged. Oswald is already making his mark from over the bridge. Hugs to you.
  10. I would be very curious to see what, if anything, is found. Goose was like this. The vet kept saying it had to be behavioral, but he would consistently improve during and for a short time after a course of antibiotics. I finally gave up and installed a dog door. That didn't discover the underlying issue, but resolved the problem, so to speak. I feel for your adopters. I know George's appears to be pain or some type of inflammation related. Goose had no such issues. You can tell them that at least they are not alone. Cindy
  11. Chris and Dennis, I am so very sorry. He was a happy guy, that's for sure. Hasta luego, Copper! See you later, handsome.
  12. Oh, Jan, what a first rate tribute for your gold medal boy. I am so very sorry that he had to leave, but I know you are celebrating his life, as well as mourning his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Cindy
  13. I am just so very sorry that both Pal and MiMi had to leave. Hugs to you. Cindy
  14. I am so very sorry that MiMi couldn't have been with you and your crew longer. However, I am positive she was able to pack a lifetime of love and comfort in those four short months. You are in my thoughts. Cindy
  15. I am so very sorry. So unfair.
  16. Thank you for sharing Lucky Girl with us. When you were on GT more often, I always enjoyed her pictures and random stories. I am sorry for your loss. Sounds like you were both the lucky girls.
  17. Lori and Michael, I have no words and can barely type through the tears. I am so terribly sorry. Oh, Bill knew he was loved and knew how to love. Dinner will never be the same again. Unka Bill, we will miss you and your food chats forever. Cindy
  18. A woman in our group had a grey that would bolt. Her dog actually managed to fracture a vertebrae in her neck (the dog, not the owner). I met her shortly after adopting Dante and was freaked enough (he was my first dog ever), that I put him in a harness. He would bolt when things startled him.
  19. What a guy! I am so very sorry. He knew he was loved, which is the greatest thing in his world.
  20. dante2zoe


    I am so sorry for your loss of Ice and your father. I understand how these seniors give more than they ever take.
  21. So, how long should the daily tooth brushing session take? I mean once they allow you to brush. I can use an electric toothbrush and I basically buzz over all the teeth and that's it. It doesn't take very long at all. Is that enough?
  22. I am so very sorry. Snappy knew he was loved. May your memories bring you comfort.
  23. I am so happy for you! Congratulations. This was a win-win for sure.
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