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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Dante has a heart murmur. It was a grade 1-2 for years. Last year, it went up to a 3+ and, at the recommendation of our vet, we went to CVCA to see a cardiologist. He performed an echo and EKG. He saw nothing that needed to be treated with medication and we are to return in another year. It was very interesting, informative and reassuring. The main reason our vet referred us was that it had changed. BTW, Dante is 11.
  2. I am glad to hear that he is improving! I have one, who is not what I would consider spooky, but was very very shy and withdrawn. It took over two years, but he now pushes to the front for pets and is so much more out-going then he was when we dragged him home. Lots of time and patience to let him develop at his own pace made all the difference for him. The effort I put into him has created a very strong bond between us. I just love my scaredy boy!
  3. I am so sorry. Lucas left this world knowing he was loved. Thank you for caring for him.
  4. I am so very sorry. Those pictures - the love between you is so evident.
  5. I didn't have to deal with separation anxiety with my first. That being said, my second dog learned from the first one. I didn't crate either one when I left the house. I do muzzle, though, to avoid any potential problems. They are also muzzled while in the car. Good luck and congrats!
  6. Pat, there are simply no words to express how terribly sorry I am for you and your girls. I have always enjoyed their exploits and have been hoping that their troubles would mend. Your tribute was perfect, as were they. Hugs to you - Cindy
  7. How tragic! I am so sorry. He knew he was loved. May time bring you some peace.
  8. Oh, no! I thought he was getting better. I am so sorry, Sherrie and Jim. I have always loved his sweet expressions. What a greyt name for him. Hugs to you and scritches to Secret.
  9. I am so sorry. I was so hoping she would have more time. Your tribute was perfect.
  10. One of mine has a not-so-greatly healed hock fracture. I have gotten films a couple times when her limp persisted. She definitely is affected by changes in weather. However, getting the films done to confirm gave me peace of mind. I would also check their feet. I have had greys for 7 years and the two oldest developed corns within 4 months of each other. Those cause quite a limp, too.
  11. What a cutie! I am sorry that you didn't have more time. He knew he was cherished.
  12. Jonathan, I have no advice or sage wisdom to share. However, I just wanted to let you know that you and your boys are in my thoughts as you figure which path to travel. As for taking lots of pictures, there never can be too many, can there? Wishing you many, many more precious moments and memories with your buddies. Welcome to dorkdom. Somehow, the cult sounds a little better, though! Cindy
  13. I am so sorry. You both fought so hard and were there for each other. Your tribute for her is perfect - it shows the depth of your love for her and her love for you. In time, I hope you are able to find comfort in your wonderful memories. Hugs to you and your husband; scritches to poor Augie. I am sure he is beside himself.
  14. I would try it and see how they do! Being all ground, though, you won't get any benefits of teeth cleaning. I get a ground pre-mix for them to eat periodically. They finish it in no time at all and spend the next hour staring at me like they are still starving and haven't been fed. However, that is because they work a little harder chewing their other meals. The stool volume should be less, which is always a big win in my book! Good luck and let us know what you decide to do! Tell Ruby that Goose thinks it is a great idea!
  15. Ahhh, those big orange boys are something else, aren't they? I am so sorry Elmo had to leave. Love the pictures.
  16. I am so sorry. Meeka sounds like she had a mind of her own and wasn't afraid to use it! Thank you for allowing her to have her dignity. Such a lady deserves no less.
  17. I am so sorry. What a handsome boy!
  18. My girl was limping for a long time. X-rays were clear, but the vet saw debris floating in her shoulder joint. It could not be removed surgically. He suggested pain medication when she had a flair up. Months later, a corn popped up on that foot. It started as a little speck, I thought she had stepped on something. It has since grown and takes up half the toe pad. I dremel and she wears a Therapaw on that foot. Took some adjustment for her to accept it. It has helped tremendously. I haven't seen a flair up like we had before since I have been treating her. Good luck!
  19. I am happy to read that he is better, but sorry that he isn't back to normal. Please keep us updated. Bill is one of those greys who is loved by all! I would imagine you will be standing on your head trying to get him to eat this week! You just might have to break out THEM.
  20. You both fought the good fight. I am so sorry. I enjoyed his videos.
  21. How devastating. I am so very sorry. I cannot imagine the pain Don is in right now. Please let him know that he has our sympathy.
  22. dante2zoe


    Robin, please let Al and Deb know that we are so very sorry. I simply cannot imagine the depth of their loss. What a handsome boy.
  23. I am sorry to hear about this diagnosis. I hope you have some good times left with your boy. You are in my thoughts.
  24. Fabulous! What a happy handsome guy! VooDoo is a lot older than western medicine, so something must work! Congrats. Never too many pictures of your awesome boy.
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