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Everything posted by LaFlaca

  1. I absolutely love this boy! Let us know when he roos.
  2. No brag, just fact, ma'am. Well done on you, both!
  3. I have fed beef heart and other organ meats raw for many years with no problem.
  4. I've been told my Grey is ugly and looks like a rat. Once, a woman at the beach approached me, very concerned, and asked me how much I fed my dog. Mean spirited or well-intentioned it still rankles.
  5. My Lola acts likes she's dying if it's above 65 F. Yes, Greyhounds are extremely susceptible to heat. Cooling coats are a great addition to any Greyhound's wardrobe. Here's an example: https://greyhoundtruststore.com/products/easidry-cool-coat
  6. Yikes! The call of the wild got the best of Saoirse. Hope your heart has resumed beating!
  7. That poor excuse for an excuse...chasing chickens...PFFFT...is NOT an excuse for sentencing that dear old gentleman to death! Anyway, welcome home Cletus. Live long and prosper, you cutie-pie!
  8. We're here all week, ladies and gentlemen!
  9. Wonder how the USPS would feel about all the GT'ers mailing me their dog's poopies!? EWWW!
  10. Lola tore off one of her dewclaws. She has a similar stump. The nail never grew back.
  11. Can you share the link on how to do a float, please?
  12. This is a fabulous resource. Thank you so much for sharing. It will definitely help making that most difficult decision.
  13. Oh, Karen! How sorry I am to hear that your beloved old lady had to go. Peace to your aching heart. Run with the angels, Ruby-girl.
  14. Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm not on FB so it's much appreciated.
  15. Agree with above and want to add - Has she been checked for intestinal parasites lately?
  16. My Lola is a furious nester and it's crazy-making when it happens at 2 in the morning! I used a spray bottle with water, giving her a quick squirt along with the command "enough!" as soon as she would start digging. She still nests but stops immediately when I tell her 'enough!'.
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