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Everything posted by LaFlaca

  1. I highly suggest buying and reading this booklet: https://www.patriciamcconnell.com/store/I-ll-Be-Home-Soon.html It is the absolute best method I have found to train an anxious dog to be alone at home. When I used the bathroom, my Lola would literally scream and leap at the bathroom door. She destroyed her crate and bloodied her mouth in the process. Baby gates could not contain her in any area of the house. Patience, intense and consistent training using the methods described in this pamphlet worked like a charm. It's worth keeping in mind that Spirit has been home for an extremely short time. He's still getting used to his strange, new life. Good luck!
  2. Zoom Groom is fabulous for removing dead fur followed by a good brushing with an equine, soft bristle finishing brush for a super shiny coat.
  3. Thanks for this link. I've bookmarked it. I'm going to check out FB, as well. I can always opt out if I want to.
  4. I am social media averse, however, I may reconsider Facebook just for this. It's interesting to note that chickpeas, peas, lentils, potatoes etc. are also in grain-inclusive diets so, no, it's not as simple as avoiding grain free.
  5. Thank you so very much for posting this link. Personally, I am extremely concerned with the link that DCM seems to have to grain-free dog food. I make every effort to feed all my pets the very best diet available for their particular species. The thought that my dog can become ill and even die because of inadequate nutrition is very distressing.
  6. My first Greyhound, Wendy, would eat any critter, dead or alive, she could get her jaws on. She particularly enjoyed flingling the carcass around before devouring it. Once, she threw a dead collared dove over the fence into a neighbor's yard. The neighbor came over to complain that the kids had thrown a dead bird into her yard. Anyway, I digress. Nothing bad ever came of this disgusting habit.
  7. Sounds like gastritis. Lola had the squeaky-gurgles when she had hookworms. The first time I heard it, I thought some little critter had gotten into the house. She would skip meals during that time, as well. Lord, I hope it's not devil-worms and just an upset tummy! Maybe try giving her a pre/probiotic? Some yogurt? Our vet suggested Beano (one a day) which worked well. Feel better sweet Val.
  8. I recently bought this cooling pad in XL size for Lola -https://www.chewy.com/green-pet-shop-self-cooling-pet-pad/dp/133196 . It works well even in the Miami hot hotness.
  9. Yup. This is what we’ve used before. It gave Lola very short term, mild relief. Expense, too.
  10. I definitely will. Have you used it successfully for chronic itchy-butt? Hold on...is this the same as CADI? Canine Atopic Dermatitis Immunotherapy? Tried it twice. Helped some with skin but not with the anal itch. Thanks, though.
  11. Well, the visit to the vet proved inconclusive. No parasites, nothing in anal glands, cytology showed nothing out of the ordinary as far as bacteria or yeast. So the vet prescribed a topical approach to relieve the itching; GenOne spray (basically Gentamicin Sulfate) and O.T.C. Miconazole Nitrate to be applied to the area once a day. We'll try this for one month and see how Lola does. The vet does have one more thing up her sleeve if these meds don't help. Eye drops! She told me that there are these eye drops used to treat canine dry eye that have been shown to help in itch relief. Unfortunately, I've forgotten the name of the drops. Good luck with Daisy. I hope she finds some relief.
  12. My Lola has this problem also. She does have atopic dermatitis and takes Apoquel, which helps, although it's not a magic bullet. Sometimes the itching is so severe that she yelps. I've tried every itch-shampoo on the market. I give her pre/probiotics. Her anal glands are fine. It's not longer a problem of hookworms. We've done the food allergy thing. We're going to the vet tomorrow. If I get any pertinent information, I'll share. I'm planning on broaching the topic of a possible yeast overgrowth. Check for internal parasites. God forbid!
  13. Oh, man....I hope not. Lola's got an appointment on Monday for vaccinations. I will insist on a fecal whether she needs it or not. I have hookworm PTSD.
  14. That is absolutely precious! Cletus, I adore you!
  15. Hang in there! It took me 18 months to get Lola clear.
  16. Sounds like good news! Be well, Giant.
  17. I hope you don't need it but it's a good resource just in case.
  18. For those GT'ers who have been fighting the dreaded super-hooks, here's an article to share with your vet: https://www.greyhoundhealthinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Persistant-Hookworms-in-Greyhounds.pdf
  19. I'm glad it's nothing serious. Poor guy's pee-shooter is probably irritated causing him to urinate inappropriately.
  20. That's good news. Please keep us posted.
  21. Thanks, greysmom. She has been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis and her breath has become less than minty fresh lately although her teeth and gums look good.. We're seeing the vet on the 24th. I'm wondering if the Apoquel she takes for the allergies is causing dry mouth (although that's not one of the listed side effects) which could account for the saliva and breath issues. <sigh> Also considering that maybe she has a yeast overgrowth problem in addition to or instead of the allergies. 'Tis a puzzlement.
  22. Anyone have any idea what could cause thick, sticky saliva in a dog?
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