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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. I have given Snowman all the requested hugs and a few more (just cause) Thanks again all for the thoughts
  3. Just wanted to give those who are keeping Snow in their thoughts. He is doing well still walks (and runs) around on 3 legs. Bad leg usuall just hangs in the air and once in a while he will put it on the floor. The joint are is bout 2 1/2x its size and the foot is being pushed to the left due to the swelling (growth) I keep watching him for slowing but other than sleeping more he is still a happy boy. Hopefully I will get to hug on him for quite a few more weeks.
  4. so glad injections are working and she is up and running again
  5. well leg is def swelling and the joint are is swelling. Not much info to give they said to just keep on what Im doing and if he becomes more painfull we will up pills
  6. pretty much what I do with Cassies 2. then file the area around to smooth out
  7. i dont have any advice for you but sure hope u cn get your babe to gain some pounds
  8. run fast and pain free sweet girl. Im sorry for your loss
  9. have fun at the bridge babe
  10. ditto the dosage info above. Hope the vet appt is a good one. You did ALL for your oscar man dont ever doubt your care for your boy
  11. Thanks all for keeping my boy in your thoughts and prayers. This morning he was doing his happy dance cause it was breakfast time....then I hear the GSOD He will not put his foot down. I got him to calm down but he would not put it on the floor. He did eat with no issue tho. Is getting around on 3 legs fine with lots of lay down periods. But If I pick up his ball he is up and ready to go, does the happy dance for meals, and gets up to give me face rubs when I get ready to go. He isnt making any whining or panting But I have a feeling he is on his way toward the end. The joint part of the leg does have quite a bit of swelling. We do have an appt on mon for a "check up" on his leg so hopefully they will be able to give me some more info. Ill keep you all posted
  12. hugs and prayers. My snowman has os so i know your pain
  13. Thanks for thinking bout my boy. Sorry work has had me busy and I prefer to love on Snow,Psi and Cassie instead of being on line. Snow is still loving his ball but only chases it a few times before he lays down and chews on it. Breakie and Dinner is still occasions to dance and run (3 legged) around chattering for. He now gets to sleep with us (thanks Psi for allowing him to snuggle with us during sleepie time. He pretty much never uses his foot but still is my happy boy. It is hard to read the post of the poor owners who have had their greys go to the bridge and i still get to love on my boy. My heart is with all those who have lost their loved ones Snow is his happy self, just uses 3 legs to express himself now but he still enjoys his days . He seem to not be in overwhelming pain just doesnt want to put weight on leg. Thanks for keeping him in your thoughts.
  14. great news. I know the right home is out there for him no matter the issue. It may take longer but i believe there is someone who needs him
  15. wanted to send well wishes for quick recovery and no issue surgery
  16. he sure looks great. Hugs to you and your boy
  17. What a diff a few days can make. Unfortunatly its not on the good side. Snow now hardly wants to put weight on his leg and isnt too intrested in his ball This is only the first time but that boy LOVES his ball. He still gets up to give me love rubs (all over my wk clothes) with his face. Once that and the ball are "no longers" It will be time for him to meet new friends at the bridge. It is going to be hard to let my boy go but life is to be lived not just exist in. Im going to try to get some great shots this weekend.
  18. me to I love your vet!!!!!! Psi only had his tail done and it was 650.00
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