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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. Im so sorry she sure was loved by your family
  2. I am so sorry I cant even begin to know your pain. Hugs to you
  3. jamngrey

    Daphne Is Gone

    hugs to you run without pain at the bridge girl
  4. Wow the bridge sure has a a mass of wonderful dogs. Hope she is tearing it up at the bridge like she did herel Hugs to you and your crew during this time
  5. jamngrey


    My beloved boy I miss you so much. (I cant do it now but will post a tribute later) run fast and chase your ball like the mad man you use to be
  6. I know Snowman and all the bridge angels will be there to greet her. She is blessed to have you and that you are able to allow her to leave the pain she is in. Hope Wills dental went well
  7. never noticed Snowman wanting more food. Sorry not too much help.
  8. Glad she is home with you and hugs for a quick healing
  9. Hugs to you. I too know your pain, I helped my beloved Snowman to the bridge a week ago thurs. My heart is still broken but the fact my beloved boy is not in pain anymore is one of the reasons I know I will heal. All I can say is enhoy the time you have and make some wondefull memories.
  10. jamngrey

    Daphne Is Gone

    I am sorry for your pain. Run painfree sweet girl
  11. Sally I can just see you shouting at the bridge. Im sorry for the loss your family is feeling but Im glad you had a wonderfull life with them and gave us all tons of laughs
  12. My 3 tell tell signs. 1)no intrest in his ball. 2) doesnt want to get up for loves 3) isnt excited for breakie or dinner. Well he isnt into #1 at all. #2 is only if he is already up. #3 he still eats but isnt a wild man when it is time for food. Tho it breaks my heart and I cant quit crying but I have decided to help him to the bridge. The really suckie part is the only day I can rearange my schedule is Thurs. Yep valentines day. So in the afternoon of the 14th my beloved Snowman will be taking a trip to the bridge. I know I wont be able to be on here but I wanted to ask for prayers for a peacefull trip. Thanks
  13. glad to hear all went well and he back to his old self. fingers crossed all heals quickly
  14. I am sorry you has such little time with your boy. God speed boy
  15. Sandy my heart breaks for you. Wrangles touched so many here please know he will never be forgottem
  16. Im so happy Ember is dealing with this all like a champ. hope he healing goes quickly
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