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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. hugs to you. you are a great mom to K
  2. Snowman wants to thank you all for your well wishes. He is enjoying life the best he can. Psi even is being nice and letting him sleep up on the bed with us. Unfortunatly for him I only let him run after his beloved ball 4 or 5 x a session, dont want to put too much strain on the leg. But If he wasnt able im sure he would wonder why even live. (that boy loves his ball) Thanks again for all posts and prayers for all others in our position
  3. Snowman is on it for his cancer and is having no sideaffects so Im not sure im much help. Good luck and hope he heals quickly
  4. Hugs for you and Raven I know it sucks u having to be in this position but I am glad she has benifited from your love these last yrs.
  5. It is amazing how quickly this can progress. He is now limping all the time. He use to only limp if he played now it is all the time. Lucky the pain meds he is on seem to keep him to a point where he is not in too much pain. I am guessing this since he isnt whinning or screaming like he did before we went to the vets. As long as I can keep him comfortable we will continue to create memories. Today we went to GreySaves speg. social. He enjoyed all the loves he got thanks Michelle and Jeannie He is sleeping now and I will enjoy his peace while we can
  6. she is a beauty love the arm over the nose.
  7. she is a doll but I bet BooMooandDoo is right she will soon be a Mazie. have fun with her
  8. Oh DeVon I am sorry to hear she need help. Hugs to both of you
  9. I ditto all advice above. Snowman is always on the receving end when Psi snaps. He has gotten pretty wounded 3x (all required stitches). Now when im not around to supervise or know they will be excited they are muzzled. Psi is my food agressive hound. Humans no issue but dont any animal go near him when he is eating or has a treat. (he took the top off a dog at his foster home) there is NO food or any kind of treat given unless I am watching. It can be a issue if Im busy but It is a REQUIREMENT so no one gets hurt. I am sure your Loki is safe for humans But you must supevise any food. Good luck
  10. thanks so much Thanks so much. I will email him and check with my vets office to see if they can send the xrays. I reall appreciate the help
  11. That is my hope, im not going to jump in to anything with out some expert advice and I know Dr. Couto is it. Ya poor guy is going thru something and Psi has to be the macho jerk (but I love him) Anyone know how I contact him to find out bout sending them to him?
  12. We just got back from the recheck. No change so gave more pain pills and got a referal for a consult. I am going to see about sending the xrays off to Dr Couto and see where i should go from there. Thanks all for the suport and well wishes. Poor snow to add insult to injury psi snapped at him and now he is sporting a shaved rear with a wound to keep flushed. well it is confirmed he has bone cancer. He will be kept as pain free till it is time to go.
  13. hugs for him and kudos for you for helping this poor boy...even if he is uncomfortable I m sure he is one happy hound to have someone care for him
  14. continued prayers for continued great sucess
  15. not yet we have an appointment thurs for a re check (7days from first visit) other than not screaming when he bends it its about the same thanks for the thoughts your family and darcy have wll wishes from me
  16. I notice Snow limping last week...2 days later i noticed he was not puting much weight on foot and would hold up. Also GSOD if it got bent as he laid down. So off the vet. After xrays and exam this is where we are....could be soft tissue damage or the poo C word. She was not happy with the way the bone looked but said biopsy would be necc to confirm. So we got anti inflamatoryh & pain pills& orders for no running, jumpimg or walks longer than 10 min. Snow is none too happy to not play with his ball which requires jumiping down 2 stairs & running. He is still limping but no scream when he bends so I got my prayers for "soft tissue dammage" so if you get a chance to say a quick prayer for my boy I would really appreciate it edtided to add I dont plan on doing anything (including the bio.) till i speak to Dr Couto
  17. how heartbreaking. hugs and prayers for your family and Ranger
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