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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. so glad she is home and can heal with her family
  2. Im too am sorry you are going thru this. I ditto all above bout bone biopsy I know those who have chosen it and will Never do it again. I hope your boy is able to come home to you . Snowman one of my greys is dealing with OS right now. He has not walked on leg for 4 weeks and swelling is increasing but we are able to keep him comfortable with Tramadol and Dermaxx, when it is no longer doing the job I will go to morphine as well. Hugs to you
  3. hugs to you and your family. I am dealing with theis right now with Snowman. My heart breaks for you all
  4. jamngrey


    God speed Vinnie...run like the wind at the bridge
  5. Hugs to you and your boy. Snowman was dx almost 3 months ago. I chose not to amp due to his LS. Now that he is traveling on 3 legs only I see how bad the LS affects so Im glad I didnt amp. You know your boy and will do what is right for him
  6. i am so sorry to hear this news i wish you the best
  7. Cassie has that issue. She also will have slimie stuff there. My vet checked and didnt think it was an issue. wish I could be more helpfull
  8. Hugs to you and your friends. I to HATE os. luckly snow is still winning but I know one day it os will win
  9. love the photo of him at your house. continued prayers
  10. continued prayers hope he is well and home with you soon
  11. First off welcome. It is hard when our pups age. I am ne expert but would say it is just normal but I am sure the other more knoweldgble ones will chime in.
  12. first off welcome. Im just sorry it has to be in this sitution. I am will keep you all in my pryers and hopefully it is an easy fix.
  13. Im sorry for your loss I hope your familys heart heal soon
  14. never seen one but adding wishes for something easily fixed
  15. glad to hear he is on the road to recovery
  16. Psi had this happen bout 3 wks ago. Off to the vet I go cause the swelling was increasing and he would not walk on it. They gave me antibiotics and an antinflaimatory. They could not see a bug bite but i was def an issue for him. Well 1 1/2 days later swelling was down and he was walking on it like nothing. Moral of my story next time I will wait a few more days and soak it as recomended above
  17. I hope u are able to keep your babe comfortable. Snowman is on deramax 75mg 1 tab 1x a day & tramadol 50mg 2 tabs 2xa day. I would say u need to up his tramadol but that is just my opinion (not a doctor)
  18. psi Has allergies and the icky brownish vein things but he doesnt have any of the cloudy stuff (which is the pannus clue). Hope u can get down to the reason for your problems
  19. I dont have any infor to help you but wnted to say Im glad she is well on the way to recovery
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